Saturday, March 25, 2017

Programming 101 Bundle (83% discount)

Want to build a future-proofed, perfectly functioning website? Use HTML5 to craft its bare-bones foundation, then visually enhance it using CSS3. You’ll learn the theory underlying the two languages, solidify your knowledge with practical exercises, and will be creating stunning websites in absolutely no time.

  • Create responsive websites using HTML5 & CSS3 w/ 5 hours of content
  • Control the appearance, functionality & navigability of your websites
  • Format text, utilize lists, create links & work w/ images
  • Manipulate font styles, color & list styles
  • Craft tables & forms and customize them
  • Complete projects to consolidate your knowledge

Python is one of the most in-demand skills with top employers like Microsoft and Google, a trend that’s certain to persist. It’s a simple, versatile, and highly readable programming language used for everything from building websites to controlling robots. And no worries if you’re a complete newbie: this course will quickly get you up to speed.

  • Understand & implement basic Python code w/ 3.5 hours of content
  • Utilize variables, the while & for loops, if statements, etc.
  • Craft functions & work w/ their parameters
  • Avoid common Python errors
  • Write to, append to & read from a file
  • Work w/ classes & execute error handling like a pro
  • Create a real-world Python program by course’s end

Swift is Apple’s primary coding language, so it’s required learning for aspiring iOS developers. And if you want to get a handle on it, start here. You’ll complete practical exercises throughout this course, and will become an expert Swift engineer well-versed in utilizing basic syntax, debugging your code so it executes smoothly, and much more.

  • Write your own basic programs in Swift w/ 4 hours of content
  • Understand Swift’s most important language features: variables, strings, etc.
  • Create functions, classes, structures & more
  • Hook up a basic UI w/ events
  • Debug w/ playground & Xcode environments
  • Confidently use Swift in real-world situations

Meet Go: an open-source language developed by Google that has roots in C and C++. It’s used in many Google (and non-Google) apps, and is fairly easy to learn if you have some programming experience. Though not as well-known as Ruby or Python, Go is still a powerful language to learn—one certain to boost your employment credentials (including with Google itself!).

  • Learn & apply Go fundamentals w/ 4 hours of content
  • Dive into Go’s features, functions, structures & interfaces
  • Understand advanced concepts like polymorphism, encryption & concurrency
  • Develop your knowledge of programming fundamentals
  • Craft a solid foundation from which to learn more advanced languages

Java is the elder statesman of the programming world: it’s been around for a while, and is respected for its reliability and functionality. It’s the most common programming language today, powering everything from online games to SaaS solutions used by big corporations. This course outlines everything you need to master this crucial language, bolstering your programming credentials and employability.

  • Dive into Java essentials w/ 4 hours of content
  • Utilize basic Java syntax: variables, strings, methods, loops, etc.
  • Understand object-oriented programming fundamentals
  • Utilize arrays, read & write files, test variables w/ switch statements, etc.
  • Solidify a foundation for learning other languages & completing future projects
  • Increase your employability & earning potential

Dipping your toes into the vast programming waters, or just want to learn a valuable skill? Perl is a great starting point. It’s easy to learn and borrows elements from many other languages—meaning you’ll be well-equipped to expand your programming knowledge. And it’s versatile to boot, used in everything from system administration and GUI development.

  • Master the Perl language family w/ 7.5 hours of content
  • Work with different data types: strings, numbers, variables, etc.
  • Understand how input & output work, and implement them
  • Use arrays, subroutines, hashes & regular expressions
  • Build a solid foundation on which to learn other languages

Learning Python is a no-brainer. It’s easy to pick up, will teach you skills applicable towards more advanced languages, and is guaranteed to increase your earnings potential. This comprehensive course contains all you need to know to master Python, whether working with large masses of data in MySQL or fetching Internet resources using the urllib module. Mark our words: you’ll be creating sleek, impressive apps before you know it.

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of Python w/ 7 hours of content
  • Get hands-on experience working w/ Python files & building programs
  • Manipulate the MySQLite & MySQL databases to insert & read data, create tables, etc.
  • Fetch Internet resources w/ urllib, parse XML & more
  • Work w/ HTML: create navigation bars, craft webpage bodies, etc.
  • Utilize the Flask web dev framework
  • Master object-oriented programming fundamentals

Unfamiliar with Ruby on Rails? Time to get with the program: Rails is the framework of choice for big-name tech companies, including Soundcloud and Kickstarter. In this course, you’ll learn to connect databases and accept user input, ending your lessons with the ability to build stunning apps faster than you’ve dreamed. That, and you’ll be able to slap “Ruby on Rails” onto your resume—something you’ll appreciate when employers come knocking.

  • Dive into Ruby on Rails w/ 5 hours of content
  • Install & set up your programming environment
  • Master Rails fundamentals: models, controllers, views, etc.
  • Connect databases to Rails apps
  • Complete a challenging course project
  • Create fully interactive Rails apps & websites

Ever filled out a form on the Web? Or played a game online? Then you’ve witnessed JavaScript in action, which powers much of what you see online. It’s commonly used as a client-side scripting language, facilitating user interactions with app interfaces, sending requests to servers, and more. It’s no secret that JavaScript is fast becoming one of the world’s most widely used programming languages—now here’s your chance to learn.

  • Gain a thorough understanding of JavaScript w/ 5 hours of content
  • Learn the basics: script tags, boxes, variables, etc.
  • Dive into intermediate concepts: using arrays, creating objects, executing callbacks, etc.
  • Work w/ elements: query selectors, event handles, input fields, etc.
  • Familiarize yourself w/ the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Add a powerful tool to your front-end development repertoire

HTML works fine with static documents, but web apps requiring dynamic views are another story. That’s where AngularJS comes in. It’s an open-source framework that extends HTML’s functionality in your app via data binding, controllers, and other features. By the time you conclude your final course, you’ll have mastered a powerful tool for easily building the intuitive, scalable single-page apps of your dreams.

  • Understand the basics of AngularJS w/ 3 hours of content
  • Master use of Angular core features: controllers, expressions, data binding, etc.
  • Use routing to set up navigation in your apps
  • Familiarize yourself w/ the Model-View-Controller architecture
  • Apply the theory you learn to real-world uses
  • Consolidate your knowledge by building a working app by course’s end

C++ is definitely a tech heavyweight, handling the hard work of running large, resource-constrained systems—particularly in the software infrastructure space. Other apps powered by C++? Desktop apps, e-commerce servers, and even space probes. Master this essential language, and you’ll build a programming foundation that will prove invaluable to you, whether you’re aiming to get an IT job or building your own app.

  • Learn from a hands-on approach to C++ basics w/ 3 hours of content
  • Master C++ basics: variables & literals, data types, data assignment, etc.
  • Understand type conversions, overflow & underflow, formatting output, and string manipulation
  • Write basic programs using control structures & switch case blocks
  • Access DIY examples & explanations
  • Improve your understanding of general programming topics

via Ashraf

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