Friday, May 5, 2017

Ultimate Web Design & UX Bundle (95% discount)

Bump your development skills up a notch by mastering Git. This distributed version control system allows you to batch track the history of your file edits, and to identify when and where your code has changed. You’ll learn how to initialize your first repository, manage your commit history, and more, gaining the tools you need to quickly and efficiently handle any development project.

  • Access 14 lectures & 1.25 hours of content 24/7
  • Create a Git repository to start tracking versions of your projects
  • Contribute to different projects by making commits to Git repositories
  • Secure your repository with the help of SSH keys
  • Work with multiple people on a project using Branch and Merge commands
  • Link to the online remote copies of a repository & stay updated w/ the changes
  • Add tags to mark the deployed versions of the project
  • Resolve the bugs by tracing code changes to its origin

User experience (UX) design refers to a theoretical understanding of how users interact with websites. One of the greatest challenges any website faces is finding the right balance between fulfilling its stated objective, while also meeting the needs of its users. Because this challenge is so great, UX designers are a hot commodity, and this course will teach you all the best practices to join that company of in-demand designers.

  • Access 38 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore fundamental principles & practical approaches like wireframing, bootstrapping & more
  • Understand how UX fits in the business & web development worlds
  • Learn best practices of UX design & start building your own application
  • Set up wireframes & fix the loophole of static application using the Invision tool

CSS3 is a critical programming language to learn if you want your websites to have fluid, functional designs. CSS allows you to add excitement to HTML elements by adding color, manipulating layouts, size, and position, enhancing visual objects, and much more. If you want your website to stand out from the pack, you’re going to want to take this course.

  • Access 40 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn about styles, rules & inspecting HTML elements
  • Investigate HTML selection using classes, IDs & elements
  • Use colors to bring out the flair in a website
  • Understand CSS selectors & manipulating the size & position of objects & layouts on the page
  • Tweak a layout so a web page works on all digital devices
  • Discover techniques for text & content manipulation

Web development is progressively getting more dynamic, and it’s imperative that designers have the power to control visualizations fast. That’s why HTML5 Canvas is so important. Powered by JavaScript, this powerful 2D API helps developers create graphics and animations directly in the browser. Your design workflow will be a breeze after you learn HTML5 Canvas.

  • Access 26 lectures & 3.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Familiarize yourself w/ the foundations of the canvas API
  • Learn how to create canvas elements dynamically & draw basic shapes
  • Discover drawing in HTML5 Canvas
  • Leverage the logic behind the cosine & sine functions
  • Understand the various types of curves, images & gradient colors

LESS is an extension of CSS that allows you to speed up your development and make your stylesheets easier to produce. This course will introduce you to the main features of LESS and give you the know-how to speed up your workflow. Everyone could use a little more efficiency in their lives, but it’s even more essential for web designers, so sign up today!

  • Access 25 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the basics of CSS preprocessing so you can work w/ LESS effortlessly
  • Automate LESS processing w/ task runners
  • Understand variables & how to use them within LESS files
  • Nest your CSS to improve readability
  • Power up your code w/ mix-ins
  • Work w/ parametric mix-ins to customize their output
  • Maintain code more easily w/ Extends
  • Use Color, Math & Image functions

Zurb Foundation is one of the leading front-end design frameworks in the world. Foundation takes the hassle out of browser compatibility, media queries, style consistency and more by allowing you to build from mock-up to production with minimal effort. This tool is a must-learn for any aspiring designer, and this course is here to teach you how to optimize it.

  • Access 39 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Scaffold a new website using Zurb Foundation
  • Play w/ a responsive design using Foundation’s grid system & media queries
  • Create effective site navigation optimized for both desktop & mobile platforms using side-nav & magellan
  • Master different content elements using powerful Foundation classes & typography balance
  • Show effective media elements like flex-video, interchange & lightboxes w/o penalizing mobile users
  • Design beautiful forms to handle user input
  • Use Foundation JavaScript plug-ins to make content more dynamic
  • Customize the Framework style to transform mock-ups into production-ready websites

Web technology is constantly advancing and adapting, meaning designers need to have solutions to create excellent visualizations on the fly. HTML5 makes it possible to build interactive visualizations right in a web browser written in JavaScript, while CSS3 makes designing in HTML easier and more attractive. This course gets you up to speed on these cutting-edge technologies so you can ascend towards the gold standard of web design.

  • Access 26 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Make your web designs stand out by learning the most important visual aspects of CSS3
  • Leverage CSS3 libraries to integrate gradients & patterns into your designs
  • Control & manipulate transformations of elements from 2D to 3D using scale, rotate, & the translate methods
  • Create, integrate, deploy, & animate SVG into our HTML5 application to enhance its look
  • Work w/ the Canvas 2D API to create & animate created elements w/ Canvas
  • Enhance the user experience using dynamic visualizations
  • Get to grips w/ animation using the jQuery & JavaScript library animations

In just 2 hours, you’ll master use of the D3.js library in conjunction with responsive design principles and technologies, such as Bootstrap and Pym.js. Combine the two to create stunning data visualizations that look great and—more importantly—effectively communicate their contents, no matter the viewing device.

  • Learn the basic structure of data binding in D3.js w/ over 2 hours of content
  • Construct a number of D3 visualizations: bar charts, line charts, scatterplots, etc.
  • Master D3 visualization features such as tooltips, axes & scales
  • Understand the importance of interactivity & transitioning between two states of a visualization for enhanced, responsive experience
  • Find, prepare, load & use external data sources: CSV, TSV, JSON & more
  • Enhance your web design skills w/ data visualization libraries like Bootstrap & Pym

This course provides clear instruction on D3.js, a powerful JavaScript library that enables users to generate data visualizations. Learn to create engaging data-driven apps by creating custom charts and integrating them with third-party libraries. At the end of the course, you’ll receive instruction on a final project: creating an app that displays real-time data using enterprise-level dashboards.

  • Access 27 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Create your own D3.js code that you can use for your future projects
  • Use functional programming, time formatting, & parsing to transform data from HTML to a cleaner CSV
  • Scrape & process data from the Web for your app
  • Delve into the intricacies of D3.js to build geography-based visualizations
  • Implement animation like transitions, delays, & timers to make things move in a controlled way
  • Get some extra help from libraries built on top of D3.js to implement additional features to your app

Kendo UI is a library that delivers everything you need to build a modern web application. Its full framework and extensive range of widgets, Kendo allows an enormous degree of flexibility for any web designer. In this course, you’ll install Kendo UI, Bootstrap, and Telerik’s backend services, and practice building your own applications. By course’s end, you’ll have a strong grasp of Kendo UI and be able to build your own apps quickly and with confidence.

  • Access 29 lectures & 1.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore Telerik’s backend services & set up your Kendo UI project
  • Wire up Twitter Bootstrap w/ Kendo UI MVVM for easier navigation through your app
  • Take control of the Content Editor by updating the properties of your view model
  • Manage your blog effectively w/ a few tweaks in the Kendo UI grid
  • Make your app responsive & rev up its security by implementing validation
  • Know your code better & troubleshoot errors away w/ Chrome Developer Tools
  • Get ahead w/ the advanced features of Kendo UI such as Layout, Views, Upload, & Router

via Ashraf

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