Fort – File encryption software for Windows
Fort is file encryption software for Windows. Fort offers an easy and reliable encryption of files and directories via the Explorer context menu and to protect them with a password. All file types are supported. Fort can be also used to encrypt files and directories in Onedrive, Dropbox and other similar services.
Why Fort?
Cryptography and data encryption is important. In todays world we are connected all the time. We put our files on different cloud services where they are basically available for the companies running those services and for criminals who might be able to gain access those services. There are many “free” services in which the only way to pay is with your privacy. One might think that “I have nothing to hide”. That’s not the point. The point is that privacy is a basic human right.
As Bruce Schneier said, “Privacy isn’t about hiding something. It’s about being able to control how we present ourselves to the world. It’s about maintaining a public face while at the same time being permitted private thoughts and actions. It’s about personal dignity.”
Fort concentrates on encrypting individual files and directories so they can be safely put into a cloud service or similar. Even if you just have sensitive files and data in your laptop locally, what if the laptop gets stolen? Surely you do not want criminals to be able to use the data.
- Screenshot of Fort
- Windows Explorer integration
- Source code availability, for auditing the code
- Uses AES with 256 bit keys
- Support for 4096 bit keyfiles
- Encrypt using a passphrase, a keyfile or combination of both for extra security.
- Detects data tampering
- Very lightweight, does not slow down your machine
- Easy to use and easy to install.
- Multi-lingual, English, Brazil, Finnish and French, more to come
- Optional file backup before encryption
- Encrypt and decrypt directories as well as individual files
- Protect against keyloggers, supports on screen keyboard
- Encrypt files in Onedrive, Dropbox and similar services
- Supports Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10. Both 32bit and 64bit versions
- No backdoors, no malware
- Well designed FortMachine.dll cryptography library available for developers
- Fort has it’s own file associations, double click an encrypted file to decrypt it.
- Uses only FIPS compliant cryptographic modules
- Security
Fort takes security seriously and uses AES with 256bit keys. On decryption Fort checks that the data is not tampered in any way and informs if data tampering is detected. For each file, Fort generates a random initialization vector that is used only once. Similarly, for keys a random one time salt is generated by Fort.
via Ashraf Ashraf
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