We are happy to present the best live wallpapers to date. A small foreword: our team has invested the most time and effort in this project, all the skills and all the experience of previous developments. And now pay attention to the impressive possibilities:
👉 Change of time of day. Always corresponds to the real by location, morning, day, evening, night.
👉 Change of seasons. It always corresponds to the real location, spring, summer, autumn, winter.
👉 Displays realistic weather on the screen. Nature on our live wallpaper reacts actively in accordance with the testimony of meteorological services. Namely:
👍 Rain, heavy rain, drops on the glass
👍 Snow, heavy snow, snow and rain
👍 Fog, haze
👍 Rainbow (does not always coincide with life, just a nice bonus)
👍 Mainly cloudy, clouds, heavily clouds
👍 Trees swaying in the wind
👍 The moon corresponds to the current phases
👉 The night landscape and the sky deserve special attention.
👉 Bonuses: Balloons, birds, meteorites, rainbow, sun glare.
Weather forecasters are responsible for weather accuracy. We just use this data.
🌄 Built-in live animated weather wallpaper, the most realistic to date, that will display the weather and seasons on your device constantly! You can use it as a separate application for viewing the weather, or you can set it as a live wallpaper. After all, they have the most minimal battery consumption.
ℹ️ It is very easy to launch the application on a shortcut, or on a double tap on the wallpaper. And in addition, you can set the weather widget to quickly call the application with a single click.
📆 Two main weather providers: Metar, MET NORWAY or Dark Sky.
🔁 Independence from the supplier, choose any
☂ The effect of 3D parallax, when tilted device perspective, as a live one, changes accordingly.
📳 Supported on phones and tablets in both portrait and landscape modes!
📱 Tested on Samsung Galaxy S7, S6, S5, Note 7, Sony Xperia Z2, M4 Aqua, C5 Ultra, Z3, Z5, LG, Asus ZenFone, Xiaomi Redmi, ZTE, HTC.
💌 Subscribe, ask questions, participate in discussions:
💌https: //vk.com/bastion4you
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