Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Complete Computer Science Bundle (89% discount)

Consider C the programming equivalent of a French mother sauce. Just as chefs can create countless derivatives from a humble Bechamel, so too can developers easily master scores of languages upon learning C. This course will walk you through technical concepts such as loops, strings, and more, allowing you to conquer C and build a wide variety of apps and programs in no time at all.

  • Master C programming w/ 12 hours of content
  • Master language constructs: if/else & case statements, while & for loops, etc.
  • Familiarize yourself w/ functions, arrays & strings
  • Understand basic principles important to general programming
  • Craft a strong foundation for other languages: Objective-C, PHP & more

Java seems an appropriate name for a language that seems so dense, you may need a cuppa joe after 10 minutes of self-study. Luckily, you can learn all you need to know in this short course. You’ll scale the behemoth that is object-oriented programming, mastering classes, objects, and more to conquer a language that powers everything from online games to chat platforms.

  • Learn Java inside & out w/ 7 hours of content
  • Master object-oriented (OO) programming w/ classes, objects & more
  • Understand the mechanics of OO: access modifiers, dynamic dispatch, etc.
  • Dive into the underlying principles of OO: encapsulation, abstraction & polymorphism
  • Comprehend how information is organized w/ packages & jars

Data structures and algorithms? They’re standard Computer Science 101 topics, and ones you’ll master in this course. You’ll learn how common data structures organize information so it can be used efficiently, how algorithms work to manipulate this data, and more. Though this course is tailored to the Java programming language, you’ll emerge from it with a deep understanding of how any computer program works.

  • Master data structures & algorithms w/ 11 hours of content
  • Visualize common data structures & the algorithms applied to them
  • Identify & apply which data structure or algorithm is optimal for a particular situation
  • Calculate the time & space complexity of code
  • Use the Big-O notation to perform complexity analyses on algorithms
  • Understand how linked lists work
  • Build a stack w/ Java, construct a queue, etc.

Sifting through large masses of data doesn’t need to be painful, and SQL makes sure of that. This handy language lets you easily manage the contents a variety of databases, including MySQL, SQL Server, and more. You’ll learn to easily create tables, populate them, and retrieve their data, allowing you to make sense of any mass of information that really isn’t as unmanageable as you might think.

  • Master SQL & general database management principles w/ 14 hours of content
  • Design & create tables, and fill them w/ data
  • Install, set up & create a database within MySQL
  • Learn powerful queries to extract exactly the information you need from MySQL & SQLite
  • Slice & dice data using the SQL Joins clause, subqueries, constraints & more
  • Master advanced database concepts: indices, triggers, transactions, etc.
  • Use Python to interface w/ databases

Python’s one of the easiest yet most powerful programming languages you can learn, and it’s proven its utility at top companies like Dropbox and Pinterest. In this quick and dirty course, you’ll learn to write clean, efficient Python code, learning to expedite your workflow by automating manual work, implementing machine learning techniques, and much more.

  • Dive into Python w/ 9 hours of content
  • Acquire the database knowledge you need to effectively manipulate data
  • Eliminate manual work by creating auto-generating spreadsheets w/ xlsxwriter
  • Master machine learning techniques like sk-learn
  • Utilize tools for text processing, including nltk
  • Learn how to scrape websites like the NYTimes & Washington Post using Beautiful Soup
  • Complete drills to consolidate your newly acquired knowledge

C++ seems intimating, not least because it looks like the best grade anyone can get in a class on the topic. This course will show you otherwise, offering 75 real-world use cases on this powerful language. We guarantee you’ll acquire an A+ understanding of C++, or at least manage to stay calm next time whispers of “Object-Oriented Programming” caress your weary ears.

  • Learn all about C++ w/ 15 hours of content
  • Dive into a powerful, versatile language that powers everything from desktop apps to SQL servers
  • Utilize 75 use cases to better understand how C++ works
  • Seamlessly build upon a C programming background to move to C++
  • Master objects, classes & other object-oriented programming principles
  • Understand how to use modifiers, classes, objects & more

Remember those sci-fi movies about smart homes with remotely controlled lights and sensors? Those flicks aren’t so far-fetched anymore, because the future is here, and its name is Raspberry Pi. Understand how to tinker with this microcomputer’s physical parts, and master the Python programming required to complete home automation projects such as flashing LEDs and remote-controlled sensors.

  • Master physical computing using Raspberry Pi w/ over 6 hours of content
  • Understand what the Internet of Things is & how the Raspberry Pi fits into it
  • Tinker w/ the Raspberry Pi’s physical components
  • Navigate the Raspbian OS, write Linux Shell commands, connect your Pi to Internet, etc.
  • Code w/ Python using lists, loops, functions, etc.
  • Design a circuit & program it to communicate w/ other devices
  • Complete home automation projects: flash an LED, build a sensor, etc.

This course gets straight to business (quite literally), outlining the hows and whys of top tech companies’ successes and failures. Dive into 4 in-depth case studies of tech titans Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, gaining insight as to each company’s business model, finances, and more. You’ll walk away with valuable insights you can apply to your own company to optimize for its long-term success.

  • Dive into case studies on the successes & failures of top tech companies w/ 4 hours of content
  • Walk through in-depth analyses of featured companies’ business models, financial statements, investor filings, product choices & competitive analyses
  • See how Apple has iterated upon its product offerings to great financial effect
  • Understand how & why Twitter struggles to monetize its content
  • Learn how Facebook has turned its massive user base into a revenue generating machine
  • Apply these insights to your own business endeavors

via Ashraf

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