Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Ultimate White Hat Hacker 2018 Bundle (pay what you want)

In this beginner- and professional-friendly course, you’ll learn how black hat hackers hack Windows using advanced techniques, while improving your knowledge on how to analyze and secure Windows, and detect a hacker’s identity. Across the example-based course, you’ll get hands-on instruction in white hat hacking.

  • Access 74 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to download & setup Kali Linux 2.0, Windows 10, & Metasploit as virtual machines
  • Understand how to gather as much info as possible from your target
  • Use msfconsole interface like a professional
  • Encode & combine the payload
  • Gain full access over a target OS & learn how to interact w/ it using Meterpreter command line
  • Perform various attacks over WAN network
  • Detect & protect from all of the attacks discussed

To completely understand computer security, it’s vital to think outside the box. It’s not just about firewalls, Intrusion Prevention Systems, or antivirus. It’s also about tricking people into doing whatever a hacker wishes. A secure system, therefore, is also about informed people. This training is based on a practical approach of day-by-day situations contained labs based on real environments. The aim is to help you learn ethical hacking techniques and methodology used in penetration systems to better protect yourself and those around you.

  • Access 85 lectures & 12.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Cover both theoretical & practical aspects of ethical hacking
  • Work in hands-on labs about hacking systems, networks, wireless, mobile, & websites

WAPTP v3.1 is a highly practical and hands-on training for web application penetration testing that covers the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. Starting with various terminologies of web technologies, you’ll build towards mapping an application for insecurities, and understanding how to identify and mitigate threats.

  • Access 64 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Map an app for insecurities using various tools & tricks, including Burp Suite
  • Explore serious vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, XXE attacks, & more
  • Find & hunt each vulnerability through the points developers use to secure the web app at the time of development

This course aims to teach you in-depth WiFi hacking and security. Upon completion, you’ll be confident in breaking all types of WiFi encryption methods. Starting as a complete beginner with little to no knowledge of WiFi security and Kali Linux, you’ll learn the most important elements of WiFi hacking so you can begin applying them to a career in ethical hacking.

  • Access 118 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Get an introduction to Kali Linux & network basics
  • Learn how to passively & actively gather information
  • Identify vulnerabilities in a target
  • Overrun buffer memory, perform password attacks, attack WiFi networks, & more
  • Discuss client side & server side web vulnerabilities
  • Test & exercise your defenses to ensure they’re up to task by simulating real-world attacks

To break into the world of professional penetration testing, you’ll need to be an ace with Kali Linux. This course will introduce you to the latest ethical hacking tools and techniques with Kali Linux, using a testing lab for practicing different types of attacks. Across the course, you’ll simulate an entire penetration test from beginning to end, giving you verifiable hands-on experience.

  • Access 80 lectures & 8.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Get comfortable w/ Kali Linux & learn the penetration testing phases
  • Manage Kali Linux HTTP & SSH services
  • Discover essential tools like Netcat & WireShark
  • Gather passive & active information
  • Explore how to perform & defend against a variety of attacks
  • Receive monthly virtual machines as a hacking challenge

This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each attack. As you gain a complex understanding of websites, you will then learn how you can exploit them to carry out a number of powerful cyber attacks. You’ll track from a beginning to advanced level and by the time you finish you’ll be able to launch attacks and test the security of websites and apps the same way that black hat hackers would, and be able to fix these vulnerabilities.

  • Access 93 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to gather information about your target site like discovering the DNS server used & subdomains
  • Discover, exploit, & fix a number of vulnerabilities like file upload, code execution, SQL injection, XSS, & much more
  • Understand what you can do w/ the access gained from vulnerabilities
  • Explore the basic exploitation of attacks & the advanced methods to enhance them
  • Learn how & why vulnerabilities are exploitable, how to fix them, & the right practices to avoid them

Over this course you’ll learn network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning to discover security risks across an entire network, learning skills for which companies are willing to pay top dollar. Whether you want to protect your own network or protect corporate networks professionally, this course will get you up to speed.

  • Access 106 lectures & 12.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Architect your network for maximum security & prevent local & remote attacks
  • Understand the various types of firewalls available, including layer 4 firewalls like Iptables & PF
  • Discuss firewalls on all platforms, including Windows, Mac OS, & Linux
  • Explore wireless security & learn how WiFi is hacked
  • Use tools like Wireshark, Tcpdump, & Syslog to monitor your network
  • Dive into search engine privacy & tracking, learning how to mitigate tracking & privacy issues

This course provides a good starting point from which to learn ethical hacking and identify threats and vulnerabilities to secure your IT environment. You’ll begin with an introduction to the best tools around before diving into basic hacking technique, and ultimately going into real-life scenarios to get a hang of how hackers think.

  • Access 14 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Discuss a basic introduction to reconnaissance
  • Get hands-on experience working w/ Metasploit & testing the effectiveness of different defenses
  • Learn about sniffing & how effective Man-in-the-Middle attacks can be
  • Go through a coffee shop scenario to further your understanding
  • Understand how hackers use networks to gain access to different systems

via Ashraf

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