Sunday, December 1, 2019

2018 Essential JavaScript Coding Bundle (96% discount)

Using appropriate data structures and having a good understanding of algorithm analysis is key to writing maintainable and extensible-quality software — a crucial element to data collection. In this course, you’ll learn how to organize your code with the most appropriate data structures available to get the job done fast, and in a logical way that is easy to maintain, refactor, and test.

  • Access 15 lectures & 1.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn about common software engineering data structures & implement them in JavaScript
  • Build on native JavaScript constructs
  • Create collections such as maps, queues, stacks, sets, graphs, & other data structures
  • Discover how to develop, analyze, & improve algorithms to search deep trees, lists, and other complex collections

Functional programming has been around for decades, but it only recently overtook the JavaScript community. This course will show you the building blocks of the functional paradigm in a way that makes sense to JavaScript developers. Through animated visualizations, you will learn about difficult concepts while writing code to help you better understand and apply them.

  • Access 22 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore concepts like higher-order functions, lenses & persistent data, partial application, and more
  • Build stateless UI components & implement your own higher-order functions that integrate them w/ JSX

Angular 2 is a game changer in web development by enabling you to efficiently architect large-scale and maintainable software. Bootstrap allows users to quickly develop professional-looking, responsive web apps. Together, they make up a foundational component of modern web development. This course will show you how to write dynamic, feature-rich Angular 2 apps with Bootstrap’s responsive layouts and end-to-end testing techniques.

  • Access 54 lectures & 5.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Set up a development environment w/ Angular 2 & ES6 with Typescript
  • Learn the core concepts in Angular 2
  • Get to grips w/ Bootstrap to create & design web apps that are elegenatly styled
  • Explore advanced features of Angular 2
  • Implement all you’ve learned using Angular 2 web components & BootstrapUI

Universal JavaScript is the latest evolution in modern web development. It allows developers to overcome some of the shortcomings of single page applications by running the same code on the server as well as on the client. This beginner-friendly course is a solid start for building real, production ready universal React apps.

  • Access 23 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn React, Redux, & Node
  • Define Universal JavaScript
  • Build JavaScript apps that are faster & more SEO-friendly than single page applications

React Native is a new framework from Facebook that allows developers to create truly native applications running on both iOS and Android, all while writing code in JavaScript. It breaks down several of the complexities of mobile apps to ease development, and offers many pre-built components to accelerate development. This course walks you through the creation of three real-world mobile applications to help you get going with React Native fast.

  • Access 35 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn essential core concepts through building real-world apps
  • Make beautiful & functional applications using best practices
  • Master creating & manipulating React Native apps
  • Structure navigation & data flow
  • Push your applications to production & app stores

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript library for building modern, interactive web applications. Its component-based approach, intuitive API, blazing fast core, and compact size make Vue.js a great solution to craft your next front-end application. From basic to advanced recipes, this book arms you with practical solutions to common tasks when building an application using Vue.

  • Explore the fundamentals of Vue.js through practical examples
  • Delve into integrating Webpack & Babel to enhance your development workflow
  • Take an in-depth look at Vuex for state management & Vue Router to route single page applications
  • Integrate a variety of technologies like Node.js, Electron,, Firebase, & HorizonDB

Angular 2 introduces an entirely new way to build applications. It wholly embraces all the newest concepts that are built into the next generation of browsers and cuts away all the fat and bloat from Angular 1. This book plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts for you to conquer, as well as demonstrates how the framework embraces a range of new web technologies such as ES6 and TypeScript syntax, among others.

  • Understand how to best move an Angular 1 application to Angular 2
  • Build a solid foundational understanding of the core elements of Angular 2 such as components, forms, & services
  • Gain an ability to wield complex topics such as Observables & Promises
  • Properly implement applications utilizing advanced topics such as dependency injection
  • Know how to maximize the performance of Angular 2 applications
  • Understand the best ways to take an Angular 2 application from TypeScript in a code editor to a fully function application served on your site
  • Get to know the best practices when organizing & testing a large Angular 2 application

Angular 2 promises cross-platform coding, greater development efficiency, better speed and performance, and incredible tooling to create applications for both mobile and desktop. This course delivers an early deep dive into the architectural aspects of Angular 2 development, and imparts the knowledge you need to understand it comprehensively and put into practice the key concepts powering the framework.

  • Access 27 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Apply Angular 2 concepts to an application that grows in complexity throughout the course
  • Discover how to present data to users while also ensuring that their interactions on the UI are handled by the presentation layer of your app
  • Look at business logic needs so your system behaves correctly
  • Create forms w/ ease & smoothly handle validation
  • Merge development aspects w/ reactive & asynchronous programming

Developing websites today is more complicated than just using traditional HTML. With multiple varieties of devices and tools, including JavaScripts and CSS, on the market, it’s harder than ever to build a site that is universally compatible. This course will take you from knowing nothing about HTML to building elegant, responsive HTML5 and CSS3 websites that work on virtually any device.

  • Access 24 lectures & 4.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Delive into the world of HTML5
  • Customize & optimize sites w/ CSS3
  • Take a tour of Git & set up your own GitHub account to store work
  • Add JavaScript code to make the website more responsive
  • Set up & deploy your site to a server using Debian
  • Buy a domain name through GoDaddy
  • Lockdown a server using NGINX, Fail2Ban, & Let’s Encrypt!

JavaScript is the browser language that supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles, focusing on website behavior. JavaScript provides web developers with the knowledge to program more intelligently and idiomatically—and this course will help you explore the best practices for building an original, functional, and useful cross-platform library. At course’s end, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge, tips, and hacks you need to stand out in the advanced world of web development.

  • Access 250 pages of content 24/7
  • Get a run through of the basic JavaScript language constructs
  • Familiarize yourself w/ the Functions & Closures of JavaScript
  • Explore Regular Expressions in JavaScript
  • Code using the powerful object-oriented feature in JavaScript
  • Test & debug your code using JavaScript strategies
  • Master DOM manipulation, cross-browser strategies, & ES6
  • Understand the basic concurrency constructs in JavaScript & best performance strategies
  • Learn to build scalable server applications in JavaScript using Node.js

Design patterns are intelligent, reusable strategies for solving common problems faced by developers. For web developers working with JavaScript, design patterns provide a tested, methodical plan of attack for tackling challenges that arise in real-world application development. This course will immerse you in the world of intelligent JavaScript programming, helping you learn how to mobilize design patterns and understand key programming concepts and common solutions to frequently occurring programming problems.

  • Access 26 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore 20 different design patterns & the internal logic of each
  • Discuss the conceptual logic behind design patterns & the major pattern types
  • Dive into real-world case studies to build a mock application w/ in-built issues that design patterns can solve
  • Expand into core design patterns underlying the major pattern types

via Ashraf

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