Monday, December 2, 2019

The Python Master Class Bundle (pay what you want)

Python is one of the most in-demand skills with top employers like Microsoft and Google, a trend that’s certain to persist. It’s a simple, versatile, and highly readable programming language used for everything from building websites to controlling robots. And no worries if you’re a complete newbie: this course will quickly get you up to speed.

    • Understand & implement basic Python code w/ 3.5 hours of content


    • Utilize variables, the while & for loops, if statements, etc.


    • Craft functions & work w/ their parameters


    • Avoid common Python errors


    • Write to, append to & read from a file


    • Work w/ classes & execute error handling like a pro


  • Create a real-world Python program by course’s end

Data and analytics are increasingly important in modern day business. To really make use of data and analytics, you need to be able to plot and visualize data, preferably in the way we imagine it in our heads. Matplotlib provides many great plotting opportunities and methods for data visualization, and in this course, you’ll learn some introductory methods for using it.

    • Access 9 lectures & 1.5 hours of content 24/7


    • Get started creating plots in Python


  • Expand your knowledge to best represent all types of data

Python has a range of machine learning applications, making it invaluable for developers, especially ones building engines for the web. This course focuses on building procedural machine learning processes from the ground up so you can get a more nuanced understanding of how machines process data.

    • Access 48 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7


    • Get thorough explanations & comments to understand why things are being done in certain ways


    • Take code walkthroughs to see a machine learning app work in real time


  • Write machine learning processes from scratch

Programming is becoming a more and more popular job requirement and knowing how to program can set you apart in the job market. Python is especially popular because it’s extremely user-friendly whilst still maintaining much of the power that more complex programming languages offer. It also has a huge community around the world. In this course, you’ll learn the full extent of Python’s power through an interactive experience in which you build your own game.

    • Access 11 hours of content 24/7


    • Learn Python programming fundamentals


    • Get an introduction to PyGame


  • Create an interactive game

Python is considered by many experts to be the ideal learning language for first time programmers because it is syntactically fairly straight-forward and has an enormous reach of applications. It’s an excellent stepping stone for other, more complex languages, yet Python programmers are also in constant demand. This course dives into all aspects of web programming with Python, and will be the perfect first step for your coding odyssey.

    • Access 60 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7


    • Acquire an in-depth understanding of Python web programming


    • Get hands-on experience working w/ Python files & building programs


    • Access & parse the web w/ Python


    • Manage a database & a remote server


    • Create a basic website w/ Python


  • Run code via a Virtual Private Server

Learn to effectively tease insights from large datasets using Python. Why is this a guaranteed career booster? Python is one of the most popular programming languages in use, while data analysis is a hot skill set in today’s job market. From utilizing the Pandas and NumPy libraries to manipulating data frames, you’ll master skills sure to increase your employability several times over.

    • Perform data analyses using Python w/ 51 lectures & 6 hours of content


    • Dissect & analyze data using the Pandas & NumPy libraries


    • Manipulate raw data: index it, visualize it & more


    • Learn how to handle missing data & detect outliers


    • Perform statistical functions: measure correlation, calculate means & sums, etc.


    • Sort your data to make it easier to digest


    • Work w/ databases to manage large quantities of information


  • Master Python skills transferrable to many other applications

You may not be a full-fledged back-end developer by the end of this course, but you will have a great foundation from which to work. Here, you’ll go through a step-by-step process of developing web applications, learning the Python basics for web development, discovering Flask and using Cloud9 as your development environment. From there, you’ll explore SQL databases, using MySQL and finally develop a blogging application using all that you’ve learned.

    • Access 12 hours of content 24/7


    • Get a foundational knowledge of back-end development


    • Cover essential concepts like Python Flask, SQL, & more


  • Learn how to run your application using Docker containers

This course comprises five independent courses to get you up to speed on a number of popular Python libraries. You’ll delve into Scrapy for scraping data, Scipy for computational computing, Numpy for matrix computing, iPython for coding from the command line, and BeautifulSoup for extracting data from HTML or live web pages. These libraries form a powerful foundation for any Python programmer.

    • Access 5 hours of content 24/7


    • Scrape web data using XPath or CSS


    • Create even the most complex mathematical functions in code


    • Perform matrix computing using Numpy


    • Code from the command line using iPython


  • Learn how to retrieve data from web pages

Web scraping is the art of picking out data from a website by looking at the HTML code and identifying patterns that can be used to identify your data. This data can then be gathered and later used for your own analysis. In this course, you’ll learn basic web scraping with Python.

    • Access 4 hours of content 24/7


    • Learn how to extract data from websites through guided examples


  • Pick out the most common forms of web scraping

Object-Oriented Programming is a programming language model organized objects rather than “actions” and data rather than logic. This discipline can be used to create advanced and easy maintainable Python applications, and this course will teach you how to do just that. By learning the most up to date tools and techniques you’ll be ready to build applications fast and deploy them with extreme efficiency.

    • Access 48 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7


    • Download & install the required software


    • Create new Python applications that use Object-Oriented Programming


    • Understand essential Object-Oriented Programming constructs


    • Create a Python object & obtain its attributes


    • Explore the constructor & destructor magic methods


  • Discover class inheritance

via Ashraf

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