Thursday, January 23, 2020

Complete API Mastery Bundle (86% discount)

APIs are an extremely powerful way to access content and interact with servers across the internet. They may be thought of as important building blocks for a web application you’re developing. In this course, you’ll learn how to use JavaScript to connect to popular web 2.0 APIs like Twitter, Google Maps, and Facebook. The skills you gain from this course will make building your next website considerably easier, and allow it to be even more dynamic.

  • Access 40 lessons & 2.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Use HTML & CSS to set up a webpage & JavaScript to pull data on to the page
  • Understand how AJAX & JSON are used to transfer & output data on to a webpage
  • Add interactive maps, set markers & more using Google Maps APIs
  • Learn the Twitter Developer API & its many functionalities
  • Use the JavaScript SDK to access the Facebook API to authorize your apps w/ Facebook

Being able to create APIs will empower your web development skills and allow the websites you build to better interact with external servers throughout the internet. The skills you learn in this course will put you in high demand for well-paying web development jobs, and allow you to step up to a more elite level of programming.

  • Access 14 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Gain a detailed knowledge of how to create Java-based REST/JSON APIs
  • Set up a Maven project in Eclipse
  • Document APIs using Swagger
  • Learn how to use MongoDB as the back end for APIs
  • Use the instructor’s GitHub account w/ many extras & examples to complement your learning

This first course in a three part series is designed to teach technical writers how to write API documentation. Focusing on the two most popular structured data formats, JSON and XML, the course teaches you how, and why it’s important, to document structured data. While the course is geared towards technical writers, programmers can also gain important insights into API documentation that can be a big help with their careers!

  • Access 15 lectures & 1.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Gain a background on APIs & structured data
  • Break down sample JSON & XML files to learn how they work
  • Get a real-time, narrated writing of JSON & XML documentation
  • Complement your learning w/ hands-on exercises & quizzes

In the second course in this three part series on API documentation, you’ll dive into documenting REST APIs. REST is a popular style of web API used to communicate data between devices and servers. By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong grasp on an important component of API documentation, and be on the path to a lucrative technical writer career.

  • Access 19 lectures & 1.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Gain a background on REST APIs
  • Break down REST requests into their various pieces w/ examples
  • Examine real-time, narrated writing of REST documentation
  • Receive overviews of authentication & authorization for REST
  • Complement your learning w/ exercises & quizzes

If you’ve ever considered a career in technical writing, you need to take this course. You’ll learn how to write conceptual API documentation and learn guidelines for good sample code. Additionally, you’ll get tools for making REST requests and for finding open source projects to document as an entryway into the field of technical writing.

  • Access 13 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Recognize the difference between reference material & conceptual material
  • Learn how to write good conceptual material
  • Gain guidelines for good sample code
  • Understand how to use tools to make REST calls
  • Discover how to find open source projects on the internet
  • Complement your learning w/ exercises & other resources

Unified Functional Testing is the new name for QuickTest Professional, an automated functional API testing tool that helps testers to identify any gaps, errors or defects in applications. API Automation is an extremely important tool in the web and mobile app development industry, meaning companies are willing to pay a premium for competent API testers. This course will make you one of those competent people, putting you in professional demand!

  • Access 114 lectures & 4.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand Unified Functional Testing & its new design
  • Learn different types of APIs, how to test them, & why they’re important
  • Use Unified Functional Testing to do Automation Testing of APIs
  • Create your own solutions in UFT & pack them w/ API tests
  • Receive the Testing Progression cycle to know which tests to create & when

via Ashraf

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