Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Docker and Kubernetes Bundle (92% discount)

Docker is a tool which has greatly simplified the task of packaging your application, along with all its dependencies into lightweight, portable units called containers. Docker is one of the hottest tools in the market right now as many teams have learned how to use it to break up large, monolithic applications into smaller and more manageable microservices. It has also made life easier for DevOps teams who often need to manage deployment processes and environments. This course introduces you to all the main concepts of Docker and focuses on getting you up and running with the tool in all the lab sections.

  • Access 87 lectures & 4.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand templates to define your container
  • Learn what containers are & how Docker helps you create them
  • Discuss Volumes, Bind Mounts & tmpfs to manage data in containers
  • Regulate connectivity to your containers whether on individual hosts or in a cluster
  • Explore Docker Swarm, the built-in container orchestartion tool
  • Docker Swarm: The built-in container orchestration tool
  • Cover Docker EE, UCP & DTR, the enterprise offerings of Docker

Kubernetes is a container orchestration technology — a way to create and deploy clusters of machines running containers, usually Docker containers. Kubernetes is also one of the hottest topics in tech today because it’s one of the only straightforward ways to architect a hybrid, multi-cloud compute solution. Confused by what that means? Well, it’s a big reason why cloud computing is so valuable to enterprises of all sizes. In this course, you’ll parse out how to use Kubernetes and study to take on the vaunted CKA certification exam.

  • Access 127 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand the inter-relationships between Docker, Kubernetes & the cloud platforms
  • Discuss pods, the basic building block in K8S
  • Explore ReplicaSets, higher-level abstractions that provide scaling & auto-healing
  • Learn about Deployments, even higher-level abstractions that provide versioning, fast rollback, rolling updates & more
  • Understand Services, which provide a static, stable network frontend IP, as well as load-balancing
  • Study CKA test tips

via Ashraf

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