JavaScript is the browser language that supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles, focusing on website behavior. JavaScript provides web developers with the knowledge to program more intelligently and idiomatically—and this course will help you explore the best practices for building an original, functional, and useful cross-platform library. At course’s end, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge, tips, and hacks you need to stand out in the advanced world of web development.
- Access 39 lectures & over 4 hours of content 24/7
- Get a foundational knowledge of OOP coding
- Explore naming convention best practices for primitive variables, constructors, methods & properties
- Learn about creating global namespace & pure JavaScript onload script
- Walk through cross-browser compatibility
- Learn how the onload & DOMContentLoaded events are triggered
- Use querySelectorAll method & dynamically load scripts using a script loader
- Build up the instructor’s library by integrating code, methods & logic
via Ashraf
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