Wednesday, May 13, 2020

TMAC Year-Round Beach Body Bundle (pay what you want)

The summer may be coming to an end, but it’s never too early to start working on next summer’s body. With 5 hardcore 20 minute workouts, TMAC’s fitness plan gets you fit no matter how busy your schedule. Access the videos from any device with an Internet connection, at any hour of the day. TMAC’s unique style is equal parts intense athleticism and gentle technique for a workout that is balanced and sure to show results in just 20 days.

  • Access 5 hardcore, 20 minute total body workouts
  • Build muscle, lose weight, & strengthen your core in just 20 days
  • Touch base w/ the workout guru anytime, day or night
  • Watch & follow videos for maximum results
  • Courses include:
    • Animal: Have you ever noticed how strong and efficient animals are? Your chest, arms, shoulders, and legs will be on fire after this totally unique workout!
    • Bra: TMAC began surfing a few years ago, and could not help but notice the explosive forced needed to pop up on the board. Now imagine that pop up with punching and kickboxing mixed in. Catch your breathe now, because after a few minutes of the Bra you will be gasping for air!
    • Rock n Roll: Who does not like a strong core? But you will never get rock hard abs by simply doing crunches. This course will teach you exercises that will FORCE you to activate your deep core muscles.
    • Cardio: This workout is in the mix of five workouts because you need a day or two to let your muscles recovery. Notice, it did not say “Your Lungs” because they will be on fire. This maybe one of the hardest Cardio workouts out there. You up for the challenge?
    • Ninja: If you are afraid of a good leg burn then stay away from The Ninja. Your new sculpting legs are just twenty minutes away!

You can’t get fit without the diet to match your workout, and this easy-to-follow meal plan is the perfect supplement to get you the body you want. With 4 simple, nutritious recipes, dieting tips, and portion recommendations, you’ll be seeing results in no time.

via Ashraf

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