Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Complete Java Bundle (96% discount)

Think about some of your favorite web apps and games. Chances are Java plays a huge role in the code that makes them work. The most commonly used programming language in the world, Java is a core language that any aspiring programmer has to know. Here’s where you start your journey.

  • Access 20 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Java from scratch using the NetBeans environment
  • Understand how Java is used in creating games, messengers, image viewing, & much more
  • Get an introduction to Object Oriented Programming

Take your Java basics and expound them to the next level in this course covering intermediate and advanced principles of Java. Through this course, you’ll get hands-on with Java, beginning to build your very own real apps, all the while learning how to implement Java skills in the real world.

  • Access 26 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Receive source code for each lecture
  • Discuss constructors, inheritance, abstraction, & more
  • Get an introduction to threads in Java
  • Build a real Java application from scratch

Learn Java by following along with practical examples and demonstrations, understanding exactly how Java concepts of all difficulty levels are implemented. Starting at a beginner level, this extensive course will bring you through intermediate concepts, all the way up to an advanced level of working with Java.

  • Access 106 lectures & 22 hours of content 24/7
  • Discuss Java syntax & commands
  • Create variables & methods
  • Work w/ files
  • Learn about exception handling & creating classes
  • Explore Object Oriented Programming basics
  • Discover graphics & GUI programming

Java is used in everything from mobile phones to Blu-Ray players to just about every website on earth. It’s a massively portable language, meaning programs written in Java on one platform can be easily moved to another without changing code. This is a huge asset for mobile developers, and this course is geared towards aspiring programmers looking to do just that.

  • Access 38 lectures & 3.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Install & run IntelliJ Idea
  • Discuss classes & objects
  • Explore composite types like arrays, overviews, collections, lists, & much more

Knowing how to code in Java is one thing, but so do a lot of other people and the job market for Java jobs is a cutthroat place. The next step is knowing how to interview, and this collection of over 200 questions and answers on a range of topics will prepare you for any interview. Don’t leave any stones unturned! Knowing how to interview is vital to putting your skills to paid use.

  • Access 53 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Answer questions about the Java platform
  • Discuss how to talk about Wrapper classes
  • Understand Object Oriented Programming concepts inside & out
  • Iron down your understanding of modifiers, conditions, & loops
  • Explore why exception handling is so important
  • Identify how to answer questions about collections & generics

Whether you’re an amateur who is just interested in building apps for your own personal use or you want to become a professional app-building machine, this immersive Java course will teach you everything you need to know. No experience necessary, just a willingness to learn! Before you know it you’ll be designing your own apps in Java and have a nuanced understanding of Object Oriented Programming.

  • Access 51 lectures & 8.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Java, Eclipse, & Object Oriented Programming
  • Explore Java Swing & inheritance in Java
  • Discuss Java interfaces & anonymous classes
  • Read & write Java to a disk
  • Discover Java BufferedReader class

Java is the most in-demand and highest paying programming language on earth, and regardless of your coding experience, you can become an expert with it in this course. From absolute basics to advanced concepts, this course takes you through descriptions of what Java can do, and teaches you how to make it work for you.

  • Access 62 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Create a project, compile, & execute your first Java program
  • Learn useful shortcuts that will cut down on your programming time
  • Understand variables, operators, conditions, arrays, loops, & more
  • Take a deep dive into Object Oriented Programming
  • Discuss Lambda Expressions & generic types

via Ashraf


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