Friday, September 18, 2020

Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA (70% discount)


During this course, you will build a foundation of working with Excel Macros and VBA. You’ll engage in several projects that will build upon one another as you progress through the basic building blocks of automating tasks within Excel. Soon you’ll be ready to enter the world of Excel VBA, where you will experience a more dynamic, robust experience for yourself and your peers.

  • Access 57 lectures & 3.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Automate placing & formatting a title on a worksheet
  • Interact w/ the users of your Macros through input & message boxes
  • Clean up multiple Excel worksheets & prepare the data to be reported on
  • Create a report based on multiple sets of data found within multiple Excel worksheets
  • Automate the creation of Excel Formulas to SUM data up in your report

The post Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA (70% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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