Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Build Your Custom Home Workout & Nutrition Plan Bundle (98% discount)

Unfortunately, the internet is full of false fitness gurus that sell you all kinds of workouts plans and gimmicks that are overpriced and don’t work. This course is not some random program that makes outrageous promises and keeps none. Instead, this class will teach you everything you need to know about the three most important aspects of healthy living: the right diet, the right exercises and the right mindset.

4.3/5 star rating based on 478 students enrolled

  • Access 30 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Boost your health w/ the right diet, workout & motivation
  • Lose fat w/ the right diet & training
  • Develop a strong mindset & stay motivation w/ proven strategies
  • Build muscles w/ the right training

“Great all-encompassing course, especially helpful for fitness and nutrition beginners. I appreciated the video showing exactly how to do the exercises” – Kelly McClyman

Unfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of exercise plans and supplements that are overpriced and don’t work. This is why Certified Fitness Coach Felix Harder created this video course that not only debunks the most common weight loss myths, but also teaches you everything you need to know to lose weight, get your dream body and live a healthier life. This course is great for anyone and will help with weight loss over 50, fat loss for men and fat loss for women. It will show you a weight loss circuit that is ideal for your fat loss diet and fat loss plans to achieve weight loss mastery.

4.3/5 star rating based on 369 students enrolled

  • Access 24 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Understand the fundamentals of training for weight loss
  • Create a workout that is perfect for your needs & lifestyle
  • Improve body composition by losing fat & building muscle at the same time

“Excellent course, I totally recommended. Not only theory is practical and shows many workouts that we can choose according to our needs.” – Fernando Aguero

Getting a six-pack is a lot simpler than many people think. You don’t need to do hundreds of crunches and you don’t need to blast your abs every day to see results. In fact, that’s the best way to burn yourself out and hurt your health & fitness in no time. Follow this program to lose belly fat and make your sixpack abs “pop”. This course is not some random workout but a step-by-step program that teaches you everything you need to know to see results as fast as possible. You’ll learn the same exact foods and exercises to completely transform your physique and get your body.

4.6/5 star rating based on 194 students enrolled

  • Access 23 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn how much protein, carbs & fats you need
  • Use the right supplements for beginners
  • Target your ab muscles w/ the proven exercises
  • Train 3 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Download the same exact meal plan the instructor used

“This was really a very informative and well-presented course with practical applications.” –Marius van Niekerk

This course will teach you the exact steps you need to take to become the healthiest version of yourself possible. Fitness and Dieting Coach Felix Harder teaches you science-based strategies that are proven to increase your lifespan and promote health. After completing this course you will be equipped with the knowledge to add years to your lifespan with a healthy diet, the right workout plan, and the right stress management techniques.

4.5/5 star rating based on 104 students enrolled

  • Access 33 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Know what diet is best for a longer life
  • Understand how our nutrient needs change as we age
  • Minimize your risks of getting heart disease, diabetes or cancer
  • Understand how your food choices affect your lifespan
  • Learn the right type of exercise for the heart, bones & muscles

“I loved this course. It gave me some good new concepts. Felix is a very good instructor and very happy to help by answering all questions.” – Adriano Leszkowicz

Learn about proper superfoods nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating, and a healthy lifestyle. Better meal planning and healthy cooking will help with weight loss, building muscle and overall well-being. This Nutrition Masterclass is designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their diet, no matter if you’re an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life. Taught by Certified Nutritionist Felix Harder, he will debunk the most common dieting myths but also teaches everything you need to know to reach your health goals.

2,050 positive reviews from 14,467 students enrolled

  • Access 82 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand the fundamentals of healthy dieting
  • Learn when, what & how much you should eat for optimal body composition
  • Lose fat faster by optimizing your meal plan
  • Create a diet that is perfect for your needs & lifestyle
  • Build more muscle by optimizing your meal plan
  • Improve immunity & energy levels w/ the right vitamins and minerals

“This was very informative. I like how in-depth you were on the subject matter. Dieting made sense.” – Donna Ruegsegger

The “Build Muscle Without A Gym” program is designed for people who are looking for an alternative to the traditional gym. Bodyweight exercises are great for that. You need nothing but your own body, can choose your own workout location and train whenever you want. More than exercises and workout tips, this course also explains the science behind building muscle and successful dieting, the perfect beginner workout plan and shows you how to set clear and well-defined fitness goals that keep you motivated.

2,050 positive reviews from 14,467 students enrolled

  • Access 28 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Build muscle & lose fat w/ bodyweight exercises
  • Perform the exercises w/ perfect form
  • Learn the science behind building a great physique & successful dieting
  • Set SMART fitness goals

“As far as the teaching goes it is exactly what I had hoped for. The simplicity in explanation makes it far easier for a beginner like myself to follow, understand, and go back to when I need it. “ – Daniel David Wolfert

Looking for a workout and diet program that is based on actual science and proven to get you results? In the course, you’ll go over the science behind building muscle and successful dieting, the perfect beginner workout plan and show you how to set clear and well-defined fitness goals that keep you motivated. As you will see in the course, most of these “tips” are nonsense and some will even work against you in the long run. Instead, this course will show you the exact training methods that are scientifically proven to work.

270 positive reviews from 2,725 students enrolled

  • Access 32 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Build muscle & lose fat w/ the most effective exercises out there
  • Know the simplest way to get six-pack abs
  • Know the best supplements for beginners
  • Learn the secret to long-term muscle growth

“It is a really good course for people who want the basic understanding of getting into a shape by correct work-out and nutrition plan. “ – Emre Can Ökten

This is an all-in-one program with over 60 lessons on fitness and nutrition. Whether you’re a beginner, an experienced athlete, or simply want to live a healthier life, this course will suit you. It will teach you everything you need to know about the three most important aspects of fitness: the right diet, the right exercises, and the right mindset.

4.4/5 star rating based on 318 students enrolled

  • Access 65 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn everything you need to know about calories, protein, carbs & fat
  • Do complete bodyweight or weight training workout – whatever works best for you
  • Visualize your ideal body for more motivation

“Brilliant course giving in-depth explanations and examples on stretching, warming up, working out, dieting, having the right mindset to fulfill your goals and more.” – Ty Leg

It’s no secret that when you want to lose weight your motivation is just as important, if not more important than your diet. We all know that staying motivated is important, but with so many distractions and obstacles out there, how do you do it correctly? With 33 lectures, this course will help you boost your motivation and achieve long term weight loss using strategies that are based on actual science and research. By then end of this course, you’ll be able to build your motivation game plan from scratch.

4.5/5 star rating from 1,185 students enrolled

  • Access 33 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Apply effective strategies to lose weight long-term
  • See faster than normal results w/ the right mindset
  • Understand the psychology behind successful weight loss
  • Avoid cravings & hunger attacks

The post The Build Your Custom Home Workout & Nutrition Plan Bundle (98% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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