HitPaw Toolkit gives you ultimate ways to create stunning video. You can use it to cut, crop & rotate, adjust, speed videos, add music to videos, stop motion, convert video to GIF and many more.
Get your video begin with HitPaw Toolkit. All the video tools you need, in one place.
1. Cut Video: it has never been so easy to cut a video. Just Drag in, cut and then, finish.
2. Add Music: add music to video, only 3 steps
3. Video to GIF: super easy and fast to convert video to GIF,
4. Change Speed: speed up or slow down video in 1 click
5. Adjust Video: make outstanding videos with special adjust features
6. Crop & Rotate: crop or rotate video easily as you want
7. Stop Motion: stop motion is not exclusive for a professional video creator with HitPaw
The post Free HitPaw Toolkit: Video Editor (100% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.
via Ashraf
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