The internet is a massive marketplace just waiting for you to jump in with your own ecommerce store. Well, wait no longer, for this course will teach you everything you need to build an ecommerce store using WordPress. You’ll use powerful tools like Woocommerce, WordPress Themes, and WordPress Plugins to set yourself up to make a real passive income.
- Access 127 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
- Set up & configure WordPress tools & settings
- Get a free domain & hosting for this course
- Customize & configure your Woocommerce settings
- Create an Amazon Affiliate store, configure PayPal, Stripe, & other payment options
- Analyze & interpret sales reports
- Secure your store against any threat
Building your own website is becoming easier and easier, to the point where you need very little expertise to actually do it. One of the reasons this is happening is due to programs like WordPress, which can be used to quickly and seamlessly build professional-looking sites. In this course, you’ll get a step-by-step to building your very own professional website using this powerful service.
- Access 32 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
- Understand how websites work & function
- Discover what domains are & how to find one for your site
- Learn what hosting is & how to find it efficiently
- Set up a WordPress
- Get a complete guide to using WordPress basics
- Create a website from scratch
This popular guide to WordPress consists of 11 short courses which, combined, have attracted 27,000 students who have left 150+ four- and five-star reviews. Why? It proceeds briskly and logically from simple to more advanced topics, always with a focus on practical results. Each lesson is comprehensive, with coverage of many topics usually only covered in specialized courses — such as the best commercial themes, SEO, shopping carts, newsletter management, and much more.
- Learn all key concepts & cover 95% of the WordPress user-interface w/ 179 lectures & 11 hours of content
- Build sample sites using six of the Web’s most popular commercial theme families
- Learn to collect money for your products or services, including digital downloads (ebooks and videos)
- Keep your site backed-up, secure & functioning at peak performance
- Design & modify attractive graphic headers and other elements using free tools
- Study powerful content editing tools like Windows Live Writer
- Study SEO
- And more!
Over 20% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress, due in part because of its flexible plugin system. In this course, you’ll explore the art of WordPress plugin development by developing eight simple plugins from scratch. Master these plugins, and you’ll instantly have a significantly more nuanced and powerful understanding of website development.
- Access 33 lectures & 2.5 hours of content 24/7
- Understand basic plugin structure & life cycle
- Learn how to use filters & actions to have code executed at the right moment
- Access posts through the Loop & create your own shortcodes to give your users added power
- Add custom metadata to posts & users & create widgets from scratch
- Create your own admin pages w/ global settings
- Use Ajax & external JavaScript libraries in plugins
- Build custom tables to extend WordPress
Charge your clients more by creating WordPress websites that meet their requirements. This course will teach you to use the Genesis theme framework on the WordPress platform to easily create entirely future-proof, perfectly optimized and responsive websites. This course shows you everything – from the basics to fairly advanced HTML and CSS tweaking of the child theme.
- Access 45 lectures & 4.5 hours of content 24/7
- Establish a WordPress website on a platform’s server (both the manual & “one-click” methods)
- Create a custom “Under Construction” page to display during online development
- Set up the logo & top navigation menu w/ drop-downs & a blog on its own separate page
- Create a social media profile link widget & understand widgets in general
- Add content & images to the website’s pages
- Create & style sidebar widgets
- Make a contact page w/ a contact form
Whether you’re looking for a career building websites with WordPress or just to develop a new hobby, this project-based approach will give you a complete, A to Z look at using this powerful platform. From installing WordPress to mastering the basic navigation menus and themes, all the way to building functional websites, you’ll leave no stone unturned.
- Access 78 lectures & 7.5 hours of content 24/7
- Install WordPress using a localhost
- Customize a blog using sliders, widgets, header images & more
- Create a fully-functional ecommerce store
- Develop your own WordPress themes using PHP
- Export your localhost websites to a live server & to various plugins
Amazon, eBay, Etsy, right here… commerce is booming on the web, and knowing how to optimize websites for ecommerce is an exceptional skill to have. Starting with the absolute basics of WordPress, this course will guide you through setting up a site to start selling products on the internet. You’ll have the web expertise, next step is launching the business.
- Access 32 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
- Understand how ecommerce websites work & function
- Learn what hosting is & how to find ecommerce hosting
- Set up a business-oriented WordPress
- Get a complete guide to using WordPress basics
- Create an ecommerce website from scratch
via Ashraf
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