Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The PIC Microcontroller Engineering Projects Course Bundle (96% discount)

We all know that there is something called Motion Detectors, but very few know the science behind it. So today, in this course, you will be taught the very basics of Motion Detectors and how to interface them with a Microcontroller. You will also learn how to program the system to fire alarm, turn light or even display, and a whole lot more. The sky is your limit once you know how it works and how to interface it so you better enroll now!

4.2/5 average rating:
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★ ★
  • Access 5 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Know how Motion Detectors function & learn about its internal structure
  • Embed code in the design
  • Understand the principles of programming motion detectors
  • Understand the basic principles in electronics design
  • Get familiar with Motion Detectors
  • Send output signal to alarm or buzzer once motion is detected
  • Write C program to interface motion detector with PIC Microcontroller

In this course, you will learn real-time simulation of PIC Microcontroller using different boards and schematics in a professional simulation environment. This will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the training boards as you only need to write your code and upload the hex file to the simulation software. Also, this course will help you test your codes and schematics for PIC Microcontroller without the risk of burning your board. This way, you will save money and time simulating Microcontrollers.

4.5/5 average storage:
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★ ★
  • Access 20 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Test codes & schematics for PIC Microcontrollers without the risk of burning your board
  • Save money from software as it is for free
  • Save circuit design & simulation time
  • Simulate Labtools development board McLab1 Board
  • Simulate Microgenius development board PICGenius Board
  • Write codes & test them without having a PIC Microcontroller

PIC Microcontroller is one of the most cost-effective tools you can use, create or purchase to start programming and interact physical elements with your logic, creating results the way you want. This course lesson will explain to you how to work on PIC Microcontroller & LabVIEW by using C Language and LabVIEW environment. This will work best for you if you have basic knowledge of electronics. You will be taught how to interface the PIC Microcontroller with LabVIEW. At the end of this course, you can create innovative projects.

  • Access 15 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Design Micrcontroller circuits
  • Program Microcontroller using C language
  • Program using LabVIEW
  • Learn serial communication basics in LabVIEW
  • Learn Micrcontroller programming & interfacing
  • Design LabVIEW interface
  • Connect LabVIEW with Microcontroller
  • Learn serial communication basics in PIC Microcontroller

LCD Display is a device used to display information on clocks, calculators, watches, and other devices. In this course, you will learn its internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller. You will be taught as well how to write codes to display letters, numbers, and sentences. Through this course, you will know how LCD functions, get familiar with interfacing LCDs with PIC Microcontroller, know how to display numbers and letters, and a whole lot more.

  • Access 16 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Control LCD using different LCD commands
  • Write code for LCD
  • Display numbers & letters on LCD
  • Program PIC Microcontroller like a champ
  • Connect your PIC Microcontroller to LCD & control it
  • Know how LCD function & learn about its internal structure
  • Embed code in the design
  • Write moving numbers, letters & words on LCD

This course is designed to introduce PIC Microcontroller hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible. Here, you will be taught about PIC Microcontroller inner structure and introduced to programming. You will also know about LEDs, resistors, pushbuttons as well as LCD screens, and the seven-segment display. With hours of content in many lectures, this course will take you from zero experience in electronics or programming to PIC Microcontroller master.

  • Access 79 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Program PIC Microcontroller like a champ
  • Understand & use many types of sensors and components
  • Connect your PIC Microcontroller to 7 segment & control it
  • Connect PIC Microcontroller to keypad & control it
  • Use tools to build electronic devices
  • Understand the principles of programming micro-controllers
  • Understand basic principles in electronics design

In this course you will get the chance to see PIC Microcontroller in action, starting from simulation and moving forward to connecting the hardware and testing the code in real life. This will help you make sure your circuit works as expected. You can witness yourself building your first PIC Microcontroller project fully functional. The most important thing to note here is that when a circuit work with you in simulation, that doesn’t mean that it will work in real life, in more than 85% of the cases the simulated circuit doesn’t work when you connect it.

4.6/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 22 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Connect different types of sensors & actuators to PIC Microcontroller
  • Use sensors & actuators to make useful projects
  • Learn what are the right tools that you need to use to start making amazing projects
  • Interface different types of electronic elements with PIC Microcontroller
  • Program, burn code & wire PIC Microcontroller
  • Learn what makes a great Microcontroller Project

This course will present you a step-by-step tutorial on what needs to be done to get full control over any door that you want to add more security to so your life will become much easier. This is a course on interface Garage Door Lock , LCD, Ultrasonic Sensor and other device with PIC Microcontroller to achieve the ultimate goal of creating that Garage Door System. It will give you the ability to make more higher level project. Also, you will know how to use the technology embedded in your Microcontroller to make your everyday life much better and easier.

  • Access 76 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Connect different types of sensors & actuators to PIC Microcontroller
  • Use sensors & actuators to make useful projects
  • Learn what are the right tools to be used in making amazing projects
  • Interface different types of electronic elements with PIC Microcontroller
  • Learn what makes a great Microcontroller project

This course will teach you how to make your own PIC Microcontroller wireless power transmission project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively. This guide will take you in a step-by-step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmission circuit is, what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coils and ending with things as simple as a resistor. After this course, you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission device.

  • Access 14 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Make your own PIC Microcontroller wireless power transmission project, light electronic components & more
  • Know what each component inside the wireless power transmission circuit is, what it does & how to wire it up
  • Know what the actual working principles of Wireless Power Transmission are & how to use them
  • Interface & configure PIC Microcontroller correctly so that you can make your own PIC Microcontroller wireless power transmission

In this course, you will be taught about PIC Microcontroller PIC164550, Arduino Uno R3, and the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. There are many versions of these boards, and there are plenty of alternatives to the PIC Microcontroller, the Pi, and the Arduino that provide different specs and capabilities, but these three are the mainstays of each line at the moment. While both the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi are very versatile little machines, they both have specific things that they’re good at.

  • Access 8 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Know the difference among Arduino, Raspberry & PIC Microcontroller
  • Choose the right board that fulfills your needs
  • Differentiate between each of the boards & why one is better than the other

This course will show you, in a step-by-step manner, how to make your very own PIC Microcontroller USB Enabled Training Board (similar to an Arduino Board). You will be shown how to build a PIC Microcontroller compatible board, what each component inside the Arduino-based is, and what it does, and how to wire it up. Also, you will know the brain behind an Arduino board, what you can do with it, how to interface it with your own PC, and how to send codes freely. After this course, you will be able to make your own board on a breadboard or PCB.

4.0/5 average rating:
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★ ★
  • Access 10 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Make your own Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller-based Arduino) board
  • Know what is the actual brain of Pinguino
  • Bootload your Pinguino

A dot-matrix display is a device used to display information on machines, clocks, railway departure indicators. In this course, you will learn it’s internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller. You will be taught how to write codes to display letters, numbers and even sentences. Also, you will be shown ways on how to move numbers, letters, and words on Dot Matrix.

  • Access 9 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Know how to Dot Matrix function & learn about its internal structure
  • Embed code in the design
  • Write moving numbers, letters and words on Dot Matrix
  • Understand the principles of programming Microcontrollers
  • Understand basic principles in electronics design
  • Write code for Dot Matrix LED display

This course will help you make an electronic door lock system using tools that you already dealt with to make your life easier and more secure. You can make an Electronic Door lick using a keypad or a computer via serial terminal and serial communication protocol. You will get a step-by-step tutorial on what you need to do to get full control over any home, car door, or any other door that you want to add more security too. This is a course on interfacing Door locks, computers, LCD, Keypad, and other devices with a PIC Microcontroller to achieve the ultimate goal of creating that electronic lock. It will give you the ability to make higher-level projects. You will know how to use the technology embedded in your Microcontroller to make your everyday life away much safer.

4.2/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 9 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Make your own Electronic Security Door Lock
  • Simulate Electronic Circuits
  • Interface PIC Microcontroller with Computer to send Password
  • Use Serial Communication
  • Interface keypad & relay with Microcontroller

In this course, you will learn how to move to the next level in communication between Microcontrollers and computers. You will get a step-by-step guide on how to create a visual interface in your computer/laptop that will send and receive data to and from a Microcontroller using RS232 serial communication standard or USB. This course will be your gate, and you will have no limits, you can make a temperature control, RC robot, SCADA System, and a lot of other applications via serial interfacing.

  • Access 39 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Interface Microcontroller with Computer or Laptop via Serial Communication RS232 or USB
  • Write a code to make PIC Microcontroller recognize USB & use it to send and receive data
  • Know how USB functions & learn about it’s internal structure
  • Embed code in the design
  • Understand the principles of USB interfacing & programming in PIC Microcontrollers
  • Understand basic principles of USB interfacing
  • Create a visual interface for your system to easily control it
  • Control PIC Microcontroller using USB Port & a computer
The post The PIC Microcontroller Engineering Projects Course Bundle (96% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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