Saturday, September 4, 2021

The 2021 Complete Learn to Code by Making Games in Unity Bundle (97% discount)

Coding is the hardest part of making a game. What if you could build a game without coding? This course from Mammoth Interactive is here to show you how to do just that. You’ll use Construct 3, this software lets you make your own computer games. This revolutionary platform makes game-making easier, more convenient, and fun. It has 6 levels, you’ll get introduced to Construct 3 then move forward learning about game features, pixel art, and all other details. Enroll now and start making your own games!

Successfully funded on Kickstarter!

  • Familiarize yourself on how to use the Construct game engine
  • Maximize your game efficiency with functions
  • Build simple pixel art animations
  • Build a game with shadows & fonts
  • Gain a sense of aesthetic to make your games unique
  • Build a procedural shooter, Roguelike game, & much more

Note: Software NOT included.

There’s money to be made making battle royale games. In this course, you learn how to build your own Battle Royale game with Unity® and Blender. This course is unique because you can make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. You will be taught about the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game. First, you design the game and its functionality in Unity®. Then, you will learn how to code in C# and build video game levels. Don’t worry if you’ve never coded before, as you can start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 292 lectures & 50 hours of content 24/7
  • Code in C# & navigate the Unity game engine
  • Control & customize your very own hero
  • Make an unforgettable & unforgiving game arena
  • Gain the tools to make any weapon your game needs
  • Learn how to use artificial intelligence in the games you make
  • Set up a local game with a local server & a global server with player vs player support

Note: Software NOT included.

Learn to work in an exciting area of computer science and artificial intelligence. Learn techniques for the future of game development. This course will help you train an artificial “brain” to make the game work. No matter where the present falls, the computer will know exactly how to get it. The game will need no human interaction. While making a simple scene, you will learn many settings and adjust programs. The result will be fantastic.

4.3/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 42 lecture & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Code for game development in Unity C#
  • Make game elements behave like real-life beings
  • Train an artificial brain to make a game work

Note: Software NOT included.

Implement realistic agent movement while making a 2D Unity game! In this course, you will learn one of many aspects of artificial intelligence. You will learn to make game elements behave like real-life beings. Your on-screen agents will move more smoothly than ever before. You will make a colorful 2D space dodger game where you play a simple spaceship gliding around a level. Explore path following behaviors for the Unity 2017.3 game engine. Steer, flee, avoid obstacles, follow the leader, and more.

4.6/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 53 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn cutting-edge tools that will put you ahead of other game development
  • Know how to code for game development in Unity C#
  • Learn everything you need to know to start using Steering Behaviors in your own games
  • Understand the way game elements behave like real-life beings
  • Explore path following behaviors for the Unity game engine

Note: Software NOT included.

In this course, you will program a spaceship in a three-dimensional game. With Artificial Intelligence, your ship character will learn to explore a planet. The ship will travel around craters, rocks, aliens, and buildings in a 3D world. You will make a good pathfinding system to find the best path for the player to navigate to wherever you click. His course’s topic is bulletproof knowledge, so you will be molded to become a technical and creative thinker.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 46 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to code for game development in Unity C#
  • Use a navigation mesh to add pathfinding logic to your game
  • Make a game that uses Artificial Intelligence
  • Learn cutting-edge tools that will put you ahead of other game developers

In this course, you’ll take your first steps toward incorporating AI into your games. The AI algorithm is the base for path-finding, allowing agents to go from point A to point B in the most optimal way. In the real world, this tool is used in airplanes and cars, but it’s useful in creating more lifelike characters in games. Here, you’ll learn how to use the AI algorithm to make a 2D game in Unity.

  • Access 61 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to use the AI algorithm in creating 2D games
  • Make an AI path-finding algorithm
  • Create more life-like characters
  • Build a tank maze & guide the tank through it

Note: Software NOT included.

Join Mammoth Interactive step-by-step in building a fully featured game from scratch. This course will show you how to make all the code and art for the game. The beauty of taking an online course like this is the ability to replay any of the lectures at any time. There is no time limit or final tests. You get to learn at your own pace with a practical model method of learning. This course is project-based, so you will not waste time on useless coding practices. Project-based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.

Successfully funded on Kickstarter!

  • Access 114 lectures & 19 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a platform shooter game in Unity®.
  • Learn the fundamentals of game design.
  • Create artwork in MagicaVoxel and Photoshop.
  • Code in C#

Note: Software NOT included.

In this course, you’ll learn how to build a 3D game with Unity and Blender. This course is unique because you’ll make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. Here, you’ll create ‘The Legend of Zenda,’ a clone of the video game classic.

4.3/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 172 lectures & 28 hours of content 24/7
  • Design the game & its functionality in Unity
  • Learn how to code in C# & build video game levels
  • Create 3D models for the game in Blender

Note: Software NOT included.

The post The 2021 Complete Learn to Code by Making Games in Unity Bundle (97% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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