Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Complete 2021 Python Expert Super Bundle (98% discount)

This course takes a look at common formats for saving, reading, and shuffling data around such as Comma Separated Values (CSV), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML), and eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If you want to know more about these data formats and how to interact with these different data representations using Python, we will see you there!

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 35 lectures & 11.36 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand how errors can occur in computations because of overflow & truncation
  • Master the skill of converting between various radix systems
  • Understand the fundamentals of numerical data representation & manipulation in digital computers

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

The course progression follows the Practice Labs environment for the same certification, so there are supplements to each of those labs. Some of the topics that we are going to cover are: using basic data types and assigning those to variables, learning operations that can be applied to each of the data types, collecting information into a list structure, iterating over lists using both for and while loops, adding logic to programs to add capabilities, and much more.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 38 lectures & 12.44 hours of content 24/7
  • Build the minimum Python programming skills
  • Use basic data types & assigning those to variables
  • Learn operations that can be applied to each of the data types
  • Collect information into a list structure
  • Iterate over lists using both for & while loops
  • Add logic to programs to add capabilities

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

In this series, Vonne and Justin explore the intricate world of Object-Oriented Programming(OOP), particularly in the context of the Python programming language. Starting with the basics of OOP, Justin demonstrates the creation of classes and associated objects from those classes. Moreover, Justin demonstrates the use of Inheritance of classes to reduce code repetitiveness in an effort to adhere to the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Lastly, Justin builds a simple OOP-centric text-based adventure.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 16 lectures & 5.11 hours of content 24/7
  • Use indexing & slicing to access data in Python programs.
  • Define the structure & components of a Python program.
  • Write loops & decision statements in Python.
  • Write functions & pass arguments in Python.
  • Build & package Python modules for reusability.
  • Learn how to read & write files in Python

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Have you wanted to see what this programming thing is all about? Do you have issues figuring out where to start? This course will show you how to get things set up and start with the basics of programming using the Python programming language. If you want to set up your machine, understand the basics of Python, and start understanding the basic tenets of programming, this course is for you.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 305 lectures & 11.01 hours of content 24/7
  • Test & debug programs and program modules to meet specifications and standards
  • Create programs that contain clear & concise program documentation
  • Implement programs that use data types & demonstrate an understanding of numbering systems
  • Incorporate both basic & advanced control structures appropriately into algorithms
  • Demonstrate an understanding of structured design by implementing programs with functions, including parameter passing & value returning
  • Implement programs using classes, including strings & files
    Implement algorithms using one-dimensional & indexed data structures

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

This Python for beginners training course leads the candidate from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and more. This course is intended for programmers wishing to learn the basics of Python and its concepts.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 19 lectures & 5.59 hours of content 24/7
  • Discover how to work with lists and sequence data
  • Write Python functions to facilitate code reuse
  • Use Python to read and write files
  • Make their code robust by handling errors & exceptions properly
  • Work with the Python standard library
  • Explore Python’s object-oriented features

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Python is a great language for learning, writing web applications, and manipulating data. However, Python can be used for security testing as well. In this series, you will explore the use of Python in such concepts as brute force password cracking, making SSH connections programmatically, creating socket connections and port scanner a particular host, banner grabbing from open ports, and more.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 25 lectures & 8.17 hours of content 24/7
  • Put web application security in the context of Python
  • Go beyond the low hanging fruits
  • Handle security challenges in your Python code
  • Identify vulnerabilities & their consequences
  • Learn the security best practices in Python
  • Understand security testing methodology & approaches

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Python has a set of protocols that the language internally adheres to which provides the functionality for features such as iteration, context manager behavior, string representation of an object, and many other things. When you create custom classes in Python and make use of these protocols then you can create custom behavior in the context of iterations, types, comparison of objects, operator overloading, and much more. Knowing about these will help level up your Python skills.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 9 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Know the different applications where Python is used
  • Discuss Python scripts on UNIX/Windows
  • Learn more about values, types, & variables
  • Expolore operands & expressions

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

A staple of programming is manipulating data, particularly data saved in files. In this series, you will explore the facilities that Python provides for reading and writing files. Writing to files and reading from files is a time-proven technique for data persistence and for data manipulation. IOS 5 provides APIs for reading and writing to files, it is a fundamental function of any computerized system. It is also a great way to persist data from one scene to another. If you want to get going with file-based fun, then this is the course for you.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 9 lectures & 2.59 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore the facilities that Python provides for reading & writing files
  • Loop through files individually & in batch
  • Persist data from one scene to another

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Part of the power of Python is the array of tools that come built into the language, known as the Python Standard Library. In this series, you’ll take a look at the Standard Library, import from the Standard Library, as well as take a view of some of the more common modules, or parts, of the Standard Library. If you want to dive a little deeper, then you’re in the right place.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 14 lectures & 4.33 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand what the Standard Library is
  • Access the Standard Library
  • Use the Os, Datetime, Math, Sys, & Random modules

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Explore the use of community code, or code written by others to solve a particular problem or provide a particular functionality. In this course, you’ll explore how you can obtain these created solutions to increase your problem-solving speed. In order to do so, you will learn the use of tools like pip, pipenv, and conda which are solutions to the fetching and managing of outside dependency requirements. If you are looking to solve bigger and bigger problems or just explore something of interest, then you will need help from others.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 19 lectures & 6.19 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore the use of community code
  • Use tools like pip, pipenv, & conda
  • Solve bigger & bigger problems using Python

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

Python’s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities as indicated by the long table of contents listed below. The library contains built-in modules (written in C) that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming. Python programmers who want to learn the more advanced features of Python will find this course useful.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 28 lectures & 9.41 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore threads, processes, pipes, & signals in Python
  • Work with Python modules for XML, HTML, & SGML
  • Explore modules for email & news support
  • Use Python for internet programming

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

The goal of the course is to master key Python concepts as they are applied in the network engineering context. Computer Networks, large and small, have become ever-increasingly software-driven in the last several years. A typical network engineer faces the challenge of learning a completely new discipline that normally takes years to master. This course will use Python, an easy-to-learn, popular first-time-programmer language as the foundation to bridge the gap for network engineers facing the automation challenge, this will help network engineers become experts in using Python for networking.

4.4/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 17 lectures & 5.44 hours of content 24/7
  • Use Python & supported libraries to automate network tasks
  • Get familiar with the concepts & work with the Ansible framework
  • Become an expert in using Python for networking

The course is presented, authored, & provided by ITProTV.

The post The Complete 2021 Python Expert Super Bundle (98% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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