Friday, February 4, 2022

The Learn to Code JavaScript Certification Bundle (pay what you want)

This is a hands-on course that will help you put your HTML5 skills and knowledge into practice. This course will create 5 Canvas-based games: Pong, Catcher, Bubble Popper, Brick Breakout, and Battle Bots. You will also work on 5 projects. This course requires prior coding experience to help you work easier. This course is a fast-paced course with all the source code included. Please try the code as you go through the lessons to learn.

4.7/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 80 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Make Canvas-based games
    • HTML5 Canvas Pong Game. Hit the ball between 2 players on screen
    • HTML5 Canvas Falling Items Catcher Game. Catch items as they fall

    • Bubble Popper. Score when you click & pop endless bubbles that float up the screen

    • Brick Breakout Game. Build your version of this classic brick breaker game

    • Battle Bots Game. Create 2 player interaction & response to game actions

  • Create 5 projects
    • Download canvas image to computer
    • Create a Matrix falling letters effect using HTML5 Canvas
    • Explore how to make a bouncing ball on canvas
    • Upload images from your computer into canvas
    • Draw on canvas simple drawing application project

Explore how you can build your own games online using JavaScript. This course will help you learn about game design and teach you the steps to create fully functional games from start to finish. You will be taught how to make games using JavaScript code and applying Game Logic. Also, you will be guided on how to build simple word-based games from scratch. At the end of this course, you will be able to create fun and interactive games from scratch using JavaScript.

4.8/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 68 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Create games using JavaScript
  • Work on 5 projects
    1. Word Scramble. Scramble the letters with JavaScript Random Array values
    2. Word Decoder. Every letter has a number associated with it; player needs to solve the phrase using the number codes to letters

    3. Hangman Game. Player needs to guess the hidden phrase by clicking the available letters

    4. Word search. Create a fully functional word search that fills the grid with as many words as possible

    5. Dynamic Quiz Game. Creates all the DOM elements & interactions depending on the JSON data

Put your JavaScript skills to the test by creating a fully functional Math game from scratch. This course is perfect for kids who want to learn math, or even for those kids who want to put their math skills to the test. This course is created to measure a person’s math skills using a dynamic math quiz game built with JavaScript. The lessons of this course will walk you through all the steps to create a fully functional Math game in which you can set the parameters. This course is a unique format in learning and applying code to create a real-world project from start to finish.

New course!

  • Access 25 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Apply JavaScript to create an interactive dynamic Math Game
  • Make calculations with JavaScript
  • Create elements on the page
  • Add interactions to game for player
  • Apply styling to make interesting games
  • Create & generate dynamic games and randomize content

The DOM is an object-oriented representation of the web page, which can be modified with JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic web content. In this course, you will be taught how to make web pages come to life. You will be guided on how to create new page elements and automatically have new page elements added to the page you are working on. Also, you will be introduced to JavaScript DOM manipulation, a process of building interactive web page content that professionals are utilizing today.

4.2/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 12 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Create games using JavaScript DOM Manipulation
  • Courses covered
    1. Web Dev Setup Coding IDE & Resources. Links and resources to setup introduction to course content
    2. JavaScript DOM Document Object Model Introduction to Selection. Select single or multiple page elements with QuerySelector

    3. Element Style Manipulation with JavaScript Update Color & Background Color. Manipulate the element style properties and add click events with JavaScript Event Listeners

    4. Update Element Position Using JavaScript. Move elements on the page & update the element style left and top values with JavaScript

    5. AnimationFrames with JavaScript & KeyBoard EventListeners Movement. AnimationFrames provide smooth continuous movement of elements on the page while keyboard key presses move elements according to keypress event listeners

    6. Create Element using JavaScript & Randomly Place within Page Container Div. Use document create Element method to dynamically generate elements & add them to the HTML page

    7. Move Element Randomly & Make them Clickable. Make new elements clickable and randomly move on the page

    8. Collision Detection with JavaScript Elements. Add options to check collision between page element

    9. Scoring & Game Development with JavaScript Page Elements. Add scoring to the gameplay, create gameplay and allow the user to progress in the game

    10. Final Gameplay of JavaScript DOM Project

This JavaScript Course will provide JavaScript essentials so that you can explore and learn more about JavaScript. This is a complete JavaScript course that covers ES6 and modern JavaScript coding. Here, you will gain access to the web browser document objects, and select and update the elements on paper. You will also learn how to create dynamic web pages, connect them with DOM, and update and manipulate page elements.

New Course!

  • Access 54 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore JavaScript & build fun real world projects from scratch
  • Awesome JavaScript DOM Projects
    1. Build an Interactive Game. Generate a responsive grid with JavaScript & CSS Grid
    2. JavaScript Slot Machine with Real Element Movement & Tracking of Element Values. Build dynamic global game object that you can adjust to change the game dynamics

    3. JavaScript DOM Frogger Game. Classes & how to track classes, update and check if element contain classes

This is a hands-on course that will help you put your HTML5 skills and knowledge into practice. This course will create 5 Canvas-based games: Pong, Catcher, Bubble Popper, Brick Breakout, and Battle Bots. You will also work on 5 projects. This course requires prior coding experience to help you work easier. This course is a fast-paced course with all the source code included. Please try the code as you go through the lessons to learn.

4.7/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 80 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Make Canvas-based games
    • HTML5 Canvas Pong Game. Hit the ball between 2 players on screen
    • HTML5 Canvas Falling Items Catcher Game. Catch items as they fall

    • Bubble Popper. Score when you click & pop endless bubbles that float up the screen

    • Brick Breakout Game. Build your version of this classic brick breaker game

    • Battle Bots Game. Create 2 player interaction & response to game actions

  • Create 5 projects
    • Download canvas image to computer
    • Create a Matrix falling letters effect using HTML5 Canvas
    • Explore how to make a bouncing ball on canvas
    • Upload images from your computer into canvas
    • Draw on canvas simple drawing application project

Explore how you can create a PacMan-type of the game from scratch using JavaScript and only JavaScript DOM. This course is perfect for those who want to practice and learn more about web design and web development. Here, you will be taught how to create gameplay directly within your website. Also, you will be guided on how to run in the browser and have fun! Learn about game design and how you can create a DOM-based web game from scratch using JavaScript alone.

4.2/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 29 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore how you can create a PacMan-type of game from scratch using JavaScript
  • Create your own version of the game using JavaScript
  • Manipulate elements on the page using JavaScript
  • Understand DOM manipulation & element selection
  • Make the enemies smarter by detecting where the player is located
  • Add score keeping from the game play
  • Learn how to start, stop & restart game
  • Generate dynamic game boards

Practice and learn more about JavaScript as you create 5 amazing projects all while using Vanilla JavaScript. This JavaScript course will help you explore and sharpen your skills by introducing you to mini-projects that you can extend upon to build some amazing functionality and interactions for web users. You can also add them to your portfolio and have fun while you learn. With this course, you can challenge yourself and design your own versions of different games.

4.6/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 72 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Apply JavaScript Code to mini projects
  • Interact with JavaScript Document Object Manipulate elements on page
  • Create interactive page content with JavaScript
  • Practice JavaScript while coding fun mini projects
  • Create dynamic content with JavaScript
  • Download files with JavaScript – DOM interaction – Common JavaScript methods

Learning how to properly program in any programming language can be very complicated, especially if you never did any programming before. Having the capacity to program in JavaScript is not different. This is why this course has been created to help you learn how to properly program in JavaScript. Here, you will also understand everything you need to know about JavaScript so that you can master this programming language. The goal here is that by the end of this course, you have a solid and strong understanding of how to write your code with Javascript and be able to create your own JavaScript programs and applications.

4.4/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 28 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Create your own basic programs with JavaScript
  • Understand basic & more complex JavaScript functions
  • Use JavaScript on a daily basis
  • Learn how to use JavaScript the right way
  • Learn different tips & tricks to improve your JavaScript skills
The post The Learn to Code JavaScript Certification Bundle (pay what you want) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf


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