Friday, May 6, 2022

PDF Text OCR Xtractor (100% discount)

PDF Text OCR Xtractor is perfect for extracting editable searchable text from PDF files and popular image formats, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF. PDF Text OCR Xtractor comes with special tools to help extract text even from hard-to-read documents.

PDF Text OCR Xtractor utilizes the Tesseract OCR engine. Tesseract is perhaps the most powerful and advanced OCR software out there, and here is why: First of all, a bit of history. HP developed it in 1994, but soon the company released it under Apache License for open-source development. In 2006, Google took over the project and sponsored developers to work on Tesseract. Fast forward now, and Tesseract has become the most powerful OCR engine that uses Deep Learning to extract texts from images (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, etc.) and PDF files.

PDF Text OCR Xtractor allows you to scale the source document up to 500 times its original size for the OCR to better recognizes the text. You can also increase contrast and set images to black and white to help recognition. PDF Text OCR Xtractor generates clean text out of readable documents guaranteed.

PDF Text OCR Xtractor supports over 30 languages, including English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and many more. Plus, PDF Text OCR Xtractor allows you to do batch OCR recognition and automatically save an entire PDF to a text file with one click.

Main Features:

1. Use of the best OCR technology available.
2. Support for 20+ different languages.
3. Useful image transformations to enhance accuracy on complex documents.
4. Batch OCR recognition. Convert an entire PDF to text in one click.

Extra Features:

1. Easy to use, offering no learning curve at all.
2. The App supports PDF and all standard image formats such as PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, and WebP.

PDF Text OCR Xtractor is perfect for converting PDF and images into searchable text with high accuracy no matter what your language is.

The post PDF Text OCR Xtractor (100% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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