Saturday, August 6, 2022

The Increase Your Google App Productivity with Google Script Bundle (97% discount)

Google Apps Script is a rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications that integrate with G Suite. This course gives you an introduction to Google Apps Script. Find out how it works, get a quick refresher on JavaScript fundamentals like variables, arrays, objects, loops, functions, and conditions. Try it out and see with just a few lines of code how you can create a doc, spreadsheet access the Google Calendar add events and send emails with Script. This course comes with 16 projects that you need to build while you learn.

1,082 positive reviews from 7,640 students enrolled

  • Access 233 lectures & 21 hours of content 24/7
  • Build amazing web apps
  • Connect to your Google Spreadsheet as a source of data for your website
  • Emails users with the power of Gmail
  • Track users in a spreadsheet
  • Get messages from users right into a spreadsheet
  • Share content of your drive


  • Form Submission auto response
  • YouTube API – Connect to YouTube
  • Spreadsheet User data Project
  • Spreadsheet Mini Projects
  • Spreadsheet Data as API JSON
  • GDrive Image Gallery
  • HTML5 Canvas image uploade
  • HTML editor saving HTML files
  • Simple Auto Response
  • PDF Uploader
  • GmailApp
  • WebApp Sheet Data as API
  • Consent Form Exercise: JS Cloud
  • Google Sheets, JSON data source for JS
  • Build a team site on sites
  • Simple Google Sheet input

“I am very pleased with this course, it has great real-life examples. The teacher explained it all in depth and it is easy to follow. Thanks Laurence!” – Ivan Josipovic

If you use social media for brand marketing, this course is for you. Explore how you can connect your Twitter Account using Google Apps Script and automate posts coming from your Spreadsheet data. All of the source code is included as well as 12 step-by-step lessons to help you learn about the code being used and illustrate what it does. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to automate Twitter posting and simplify marketing.

1,331+ students enrolled

  • Access 12 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Create a Spreadsheet & add script
  • Set up an app as a Twitter Developer, create the app & get secret keys and tokens to automate Twitter interactions
  • Access Google Apps Script Developer Code Editor & write Google Script
  • Know which library to use & how to add libraries of existing code to your Google Apps Script
  • Create Conditions to setup content for Tweet
  • Set up Triggers to automate application & script to run at set times

Note: Source Code is Included

Apps Script lets you do more with Google and that’s what this course is all about. Increase the power of your favorite Google apps — like Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, Sheets, and Slides. This course covers every step to get started with Google Scripts including an overview of the editor and what it does and how to use it. Followed by more detailed syntax and code examples of applying Google Script in real-world projects. Automate, add functionality, use spreadsheet data, create documents, interact with emails, generate reports, use data the list is endless on all the amazing things you can do with Google Apps Script. Warning once you start using Google Apps Script you may want to use it for everything!

1,097 positive reviews from 7,674 students enrolled

  • Access 119 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn about selection of data & construction of content
  • Use Spreadsheet UI for added interactions w/ users
  • Design sites interface w/ options to create pages & more

“He has also done a good job at moving slowly and not assuming certain information was already known by me as the student.” – Tim Pedersen

“Laurence does a great job with breaking down how to do great things within Google Apps Script” – Cordelle Griffin

Increase the power of your favorite Google apps — like Calendar, Docs, Drive, Gmail, and Sheets. Apps Script lets you do more with Google…all on a JavaScript platform in the cloud. If you know JavaScript you can jump right in and start creating web apps connecting all of your Google applications together. Automate your work you will be amazed at how easy it is to work with Apps Script. This is a project-based course and the scope of the course is to use technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap to create the project. All of the source code is included.

4.3/5 rating from 5,710 students enrolled:
★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 50 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Create Google Docs with script
  • Send gmail emails with Google Script
  • Translate Google docs to different languages
  • Use Google sheets to store data & access data
  • Create web apps using Google Script

“Well paced and informative. The instructor covered the key items without getting bogged down in minute details. Enough information for the student to grasp and nowhere to look for help when experimenting.” – Ged Mirski-Fitton

Do you want to connect Google Apps Together and make some really amazing things happen? This course will provide you the foundation to work with Google Script to build a Web App that can be embedded in Google Sites. Within the course, you’ll learn how to use Google Spreadsheet as a source for retrieving and storing data. Power up what you do online, bringing together built-in functionality in your Google Suite. Source Code is included so you can build the same app in the course but even better!

4.1/5 rating from 2,829 students enrolled:
★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 187 lectures & 15 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the basics of Google Script – how to use the online editor & overview of functionality
  • Create a bound script to your Google Sheet
  • Use HTTP service to output & HTML file within Google Web apps
  • Use JavaScript within Google Apps & Google client side pages
  • Setup a Google site & embed your Google script

“So far so good. Very useful. Pacing is good. Lots of small working bits.” – Dennis Daniels

If you’re handling business you probably have times when you almost drown in a bunch of emails that you haven’t read. Not only does it take time to skim all of them, you’ll also have to reply! This course will save you time and give you tips on how to better use Gmail and be more productive with your emails.

4.7/5 rating from 2,410 students enrolled:
★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 17 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Adjust settings for optimal use of Gmail account
  • Know Conversation View & Reply options for viewing of emails
  • Use Message Filter to automate grouping of emails as they come in
  • Learn about Custom Star options for organizing emails
  • Learn overall email productivity tips

This course will help you build your own Dynamic and interactive quiz that uses only Google Sheet data to output the contents of the quiz, and JavaScript on your web page or website. You will be amazed at what you can do with just a few lines of code and how easy it is to connect Google Sheets to your website. This is a great solution to avoid backend code using only Google Script which is essentially JavaScript with a bunch of methods in the cloud.

4.3/5 rating from 1,973 students enrolled:
★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 28 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Connect website input form to Google Spreadsheet
  • Build a quiz application from scratch that uses Google Sheets as the data source
  • Add data from input form to Google Spreadsheet

“This course covers the skills needed to work with Google Suite products particularly Google Sheets. Laurence is clear with all of his explanations and is very responsive to all questions you may have.” – Guillermo Ithier

The post The Increase Your Google App Productivity with Google Script Bundle (97% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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