Organize your files with color- and image- labeling. FileMarker.NET allows you to mark individual files by priority (high, normal, low), project completeness (done, half-done, planned), project status (approved, rejected, pending) and type of information (work, important, temp, private). Or paint them with normal, dark, or light colors. File marking can be used in a great number of situations. For instance, you can use FileMarket.NET to mark files that must be completed by the end of the week with a yellow color, as well as to set priorities and completion values. This way, you will always have a clear picture of the amount of work lying ahead and your progress on particular tasks. Using the program is extremely easy - just 2 mouse clicks are needed! The customizable context menu is opened by right-clicking the necessary file. Custom file icons are applied immediately after the user selects the corresponding command.
Key features:
- Can customize one file or multiple files together;
- Allows you to color-mark a file, or add a label to it, or use a combination of color and a label;
- Has 52 build-in image-markers;
- Can colorize a file to normal, dark and light states. 33 color variations for professional file management are available;
- Allows you to load your own icons, downloaded from the Internet;
- Works with PDF and DOCX files.
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