Friday, March 22, 2024

The 2023 FullStack Web Developer Bundle (79% discount)

Anyone can become a web developer. You don’t need any special talent, just motivation. In this course, you will learn all you need to know to build your own web application. Together we will build a discussion platform with private messaging and groups. You’ll start with the basics, and once you have the necessary knowledge, this course will take you on an amazing journey where you will build a real web application. Finally, this course will show you how to deploy your final project to the Internet so you can show it to your potential clients or employers. By the end of this course, you will be a complete full-stack web developer, ready to kick-start your career.

4.4/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 139 lectures & 11 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn frontend web technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • Familiarize with backend web technologies (MySQL, PHP)
  • Discover development environments (Docker, Vagrant & XAMPP)
  • Learn how to use Git & GitHub
  • Learn how to work with Terminal & Command Prompt
  • Learn how to use regular expressions
  • Create your own “Facebook-like” discussion platform & publish it on the server
  • Become a full-stack web developer with your own final project in your portfolio

In this course, we will create a clone of a Medium site using Vue JS and Vuex. This course is completely focused on real programming using Vue JS and Vuex. You will start with an empty folder and create a complete application step by step. There is no theory or retelling of the documentation here, only real experience and high-quality code. You will understand how to structure your application, how to create reusable and easy-to-read modules and components, and how to break your code into small pieces. You will learn how to write simple and straightforward code for a complex project. In each lesson, the instructor prepared the source code for you, so that you can easily find errors in your code by comparing it with the code of the lesson or getting a working application at every step.

4.5/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 37 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Build Vue JS & Vuex projects from scratch
  • Write quality code
  • Create reusable modules & components
  • Plan your architecture wisely
  • Structure & customize a project
  • Write quality code with Vue JS and Vuex on a real project
  • Implement authorization
  • Build extensible architecture using Vuex

In this course, you will build an example of a real application using Docker and Docker Compose. This course is fully focused on a fast and deep dive into the creation of a real application with Docker and Docker Compose. You will start from scratch and get close to a finished real application that is suitable for local development and easy deployment. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build configuration files for Docker, and split configuration files. Write code together with the instructor in an efficient way to make it pure and avoid complexity. For each lesson, you’ll get the source code of the lesson, so it’s easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want. 

4.2/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 27 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Develop & deploy projects with Docker and Docker Compose
  • Build real applications with Docker from scratch
  • Learn Docker through real usage
  • Structure & configure configuration files and projects
  • Split project in services
  • Understand images/volumes/networks/containers
  • Implement development & production environment
  • Configure your own server & deploy the application there (You will need to pay for a server for deployment or just follow along)

In this course, you will build a Medium clone using Angular and NgRx. This course is fully focused on a fast and deep dive into the creation of a real application with Angular and NgRx. You will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finishing real applications. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable modules and components, and split code into smaller chunks of code. You will write code together with the instructor to make it pure and avoid data complexity. For each lesson, you’ll get the source code of the lesson, so it’s easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want. 

4.7/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 50 lectures & 14 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a real project with Angular & NgRx
  • Write high-quality code
  • Create reusable modules & components
  • Structure & configure projects
  • Write high-quality code with Angular & NgRx on a real project
  • Implementing authentication
  • Cover everything with Typescript interfaces

In this course, you will build a Medium clone using React and React hooks. This course is fully focused on a fast and deep dive into the creation of a real application with React and hooks. You will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finishing real applications. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable hooks and components, and split code into smaller chunks of code. You will write code together with the instructor in a hooks way to make it pure and avoid data complexity. For each lesson, you’ll get the source code of the lesson, so it’s easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want. 

  • Access 42 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a real project with React & React hooks
  • Write high-quality code
  • Create reusable hooks & components
  • Structure & configure a project
  • Write high-quality code with React & hooks on a real project
  • Create reusable hooks & components
  • Implementing authentication
  • Understand standard react hooks
  • Understand rerendering of components using hooks
  • Write custom hooks
  • Getting data from API with hooks

In this course, you will build a production E-Commerce shop of mobile phones using React and Redux. This course is fully focused on a fast and deep dive into the creation of the frontend part of a real application with React and Redux without spending time on building CSS or implementing the backend. You will start from scratch and you will get close to finishing real applications. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable React component split code into smaller chunks of code. You will write code together with the instructor in a more functional way to make it pure and avoid data complexity. For each lesson, you’ll get source code in two states: before and after completing the lesson, so it’s easy to see the progress and get a working app on any lesson you want just by downloading the source code of the lesson.

  • Access 16 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a real project with React & Redux
  • Write high-quality code
  • Create reusable selectors & components
  • Structure & configure a project
  • Write high-quality code with React & Redux on a real project
  • Create reusable selectors and components
  • Decouple API layer from actions
  • Use Ramda library for comfortable data transformations
  • Getting data from API

This course is about functional javascript using such a popular library as Ramda. Functional javascript becomes very popular nowadays because code that is written with small, pure functions is easier to support, reuse, improve and test. But getting deep into functional worlds is not an easy task. That’s why
this course was created, to share experiences with you. In this course, you will start from scratch in learning such important parts of functional programming as currying and composition and then we will have a deep dive into the Ramda world.

4.1/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 18 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Fully understand the functional way of programming
  • Write elegant & reusable code in javascript
  • Use Ramda library fluently
  • Learn closures in javascript
  • Write functional javascript with Ramda
  • Currying in javascript
  • Composition in javascript
  • Writing conditions with Ramda
  • Get deeply nested properties safely
  • Lenses in Ramda
  • Grouping & sorting in Ramda
  • Converge & UseWith in Ramda
  • Simplifying predicates with Ramda

This course starts from scratch, you don’t need to know anything about Git or version control systems! You’ll learn all about installing Git, creating commits, working with branches, pushing to Github, merging features, correct workflow, resolving conflicts, writing custom aliases, and much more! If you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support in discussions to the course. Git is the most popular and powerful version control system nowadays. It allows you to control all your file changes and work as a team. Learn all the fundamentals you need to know and benefit from them your whole life as a developer!

4.5/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 19 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Fully understand version control with Git
  • Correct workflow of using Git
  • Working with Github to upload your code remotely
  • Working with branches & resolving conflicts
  • Creating your own aliases for git commands & more

This course is about writing javascript using such a popular library as Lodash. Javascript doesn’t have enough functions to cover all the industry needs so Lodash helps to write efficient and cross-browser code. The code is written with small, pure functions and is easy to support, reuse, improve and test. But it’s not an easy task because the amount of function in Lodash is huge. It’s important to understand its principles, the most needed functions, and how we can combine and reuse them. The course will help you to learn Lodash step by step from the very beginning to pro. You won’t simply go through all functions. There are lots of quizzes from real use-cases for you to try using Lodash on your own.

4.6/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 35 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Use Lodash library fluently
  • Write elegant & reusable code in a functional way
  • Fully understand data transformations
  • Array & object transformations
  • Grouping & sorting
  • Composing functions
  • Working with string & arrays
  • Cloning & assigning properties
  • Checking the types
  • Debounce & throttle
  • Extending Lodash with own functions

In this course, you will build a Medium clone API using NestJS, Typescript, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL. This course is fully focused on a fast and deep dive into the creation of API for real applications with NestJS. You will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finishing real applications. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable modules and services, and split code into smaller chunks of code. You will write code efficiently to make it pure and avoid data complexity.

4.7/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Access 38 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a real project with NestJS
  • Write high-quality code in NestJS
  • Create reusable modules and services in NestJS
  • Structure and configure a project
  • Create reusable modules, controllers, and services
  • Implement authentication
  • Deeply understand NestJS design patterns

Do you want to learn React the real way? In this course, you will learn the key concepts of React while building a Quiz project. React is currently the most popular front-end framework. It’s easy to begin with yet it’s very capable even for building large-scale professional web applications. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of React while creating a real project which will be deployed to production.

  • Access 17 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Build a real project with React
  • Write high-quality code
  • Understand React state management
  • Break down your application into smaller pieces, into components
  • Structure your business logic & manage state and how to connect these to our components
  • Deal with component changes, what is the state, what to store in it, & where to define it
  • Add interaction & how does re-rendering works in React
  • Communicate with real API from React application
  • Deploy your React application on your real server (You will need to pay for a server for deployment or just follow along)
The post The 2023 FullStack Web Developer Bundle (79% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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