Saturday, May 25, 2024

Artificial Intelligence [AI] in Python: A H2O Approach (70% discount)


This course covers the main aspects of the H2O package for data science in Python. If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python-based data science as you will have the keys to a mighty Python supported data science framework. In this age of big data, companies worldwide use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning via a powerful framework, H2O in Python, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level!

4.7/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
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  • Access 42 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Use the Python/Anaconda environment for practical data science
  • Learn the important concepts associated with supervised & unsupervised learning
  • Implement supervised & unsupervised learning on real-life data
  • Implement Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) & Deep
  • Neural Networks (DNN) on real-life data
The post Artificial Intelligence [AI] in Python: A H2O Approach (70% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf


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