Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Complete Power Coder Bootcamp Bundle (90% discount)

Visually learn SwiftUI 3 and build top-notch iOS 15, iPadOS mobile apps, Apple Watch apps, and even macOS desktop applications. This complete iOS application development course is designed to teach you how to become an advanced multiplatform app developer using Apple’s native user interface framework: SwiftUI. This class takes learning programming concepts through a project-based approach. By taking this class, you will improve your app design and development skills while creating many hands-on applications.

4.6/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 119 lectures & 17 hours of content 24/7
  • Develop iOS 15 iPhone and iPad apps with gorgeous layout & design
  • Learn Swift 5 programming language
  • Fetch data from internal & external JSON file using Web APIs
  • Master Apple’s greatest & latest user interface framework – SwiftUI 3
  • Learn macOS desktop app development with Apple’s Catalyst framework
  • Integrate various iOS frameworks (MapKit, AVFoundation, etc)
  • Create custom user interfaces with the SwiftUI 3 framework
  • Publish iOS & macOS apps to the App Store
  • Visually develop iOS, iPadOS, macOS, & watchOS apps
  • Create a top-notch portfolio of real apps & apply for iOS developer jobs
  • Use Apple’s new Combine framework & handle asynchronous events
  • Implement Swift Package manager in your work
  • Integrate Core Data with CloudKit

This course includes comprehensive modules on Apple’s latest technology – CoreML & CreateML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning. You’ll be building apps that look like Pokemon Go and Harry Potter’s magical newspapers!

  • Load a CoreML model into a new Xcode project
  • Test the model on image classification
  • Build a new SwiftUI app for sentiment analysis
  • Initiate a model object
  • Convert image to buffer for model

The blockchain is a ground-breaking technology that enables secure, distributed, and decentralized data storage. The blockchain has swept through the technical world in recent years. Many in the business believe that, like the Internet in the early 2000s, the blockchain will revolutionize how we interact with technology. And, because blockchain is gaining traction and will undoubtedly play a role in the future, blockchain-related jobs are in great demand. This course will teach you how to create your own blockchain and cryptocurrency from the ground up. Start your blockchain journey and earn 6 figures in the tech field.

4.6/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 115 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn what blockchains & distributed ledgers are
  • Be familiar with Bitcoin & Ethereum
  • Learn the Ethereum blockchain properties
  • Know what smart contracts are
  • Build a Truffle project
  • Build NFT smart contract with Solidity & OpenZeppelin
  • Build a test for your NFT smart contract
  • Deploy smart contract with Ganache personal blockchain
  • Test NFT contract properties

Welcome to the Complete Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Bootcamp, your fast track to modern back-end development. This course is the perfect all-in-one package that will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced, highly-skilled Node.js developer. This one is completely project-based! And not just any project: it’s a complete, beautiful, and feature-rich application, containing both a RESTful API and a server-side rendered website. It’s the most fantastic and complete project that you will find in any Node.js course on the internet!

  • Access 119 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Know what REST API design is
  • Refresh your knowledge on JavaScript
  • Learn variables & data types, operators, conditional statements, functions, and more
  • Build a RESTful API with Express, Node, & MongoDB
  • Install npm & Node on Mac, Windows, & Linux
  • Start a new Node project with Express web server

This course focuses on hands-on Computer Vision with OpenCV from scratch to real-time project development. Computer Vision is the hottest field in the era of Artificial Intelligence. It is making enormous advances in Self-driving cars, Robotics, Medical as well as in various image correction apps. And OpenCV-Python is an appropriate tool for fast prototyping of Computer Vision problems. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to upgrade in Computer Vision and Deep Learning and be able to develop real-time computer vision applications.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 81 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
  • Refresh your knowledge on Python
  • Analyze images with OpenCV
  • Restore images with computation photography
  • Detect objects in images
  • Understand machine learning & neural networks
  • Read text in an image with OCR & Tesseract
  • Build your first neural network with OpenCV

Java is the most in-demand and widely used programming language. That’s why we designed this absolute beginner’s course on only everything you must know about Java. Get up and running with your first object-oriented programming projects. You’ll learn all the core fundamentals you need to become a rockstar Java developer. Start here if you have no programming experience or are coming from another programming language to learn transferable actionable skills.

  • Access 95 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming
  • Explore variables & data types
  • Learn more about control flow, exception handling, and classes & objects
  • Use methods & constructors
  • Explore concatenation & more

Bootstrap is immensely popular, and with good reason: it makes creating responsive websites a breeze. This course will take you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap 3 or 4 to learning all of the utilities, components, widgets, and grids and building real-world themes and websites. You do NOT need to know Bootstrap 3 for this course. This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Bootstrap 4 expert in a matter of hours!

  • Access 36 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Build beautiful navigation quickly with Bootstrap’s styled navigation components.& more, including support for our collapse plugin.
  • Build a slideshow component for cycling through elements—images or slides of text—like a carousel.
  • Build service pages for your product with featurettes
  • Learn how to design mobile first
  • Build a contact form for email, messages, &more
  • Build a footer quickly with Bootstrap’s components
  • Build an image header with text overlay
  • Build a pricing page
  • And much more!

This course will teach you how to build a website from the ground up. Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is open-source and cross-platform. You may improve your skills, find a new career, and build powerful, robust web apps by learning NodeJS, a rapidly rising web server technology. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that runs on any platform. You may create a modern application database for your projects by utilizing MongoDB. This course offers a fast-paced approach to provide you with the most comprehensive website creation experience possible.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 114 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Know what a MongoDB NoSQL database is
  • Review & improve your JavaScript knowledge and skills
  • Work with JS variables, data types, variable mutation, type coercion, & more
  • Use conditional statements, functions & arrays, objects, loops, and more
  • Build a local MongoDB database
  • Count site visitors with MongoDB, Node, Express & EJS
The post The Complete Power Coder Bootcamp Bundle (90% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf


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