Friday, October 25, 2024

The Mastering Linux and Git Certification Bundle (80% discount)

The course teaches you the Linux Command Line fundamentals and takes you on a journey with a good learning experience. Here, you will learn how to work with file attributes and permissions, how to use “cron to schedule tasks, and how to create your own AWS Linux EC2 instance to practice. Also, you will be taught about Linux File System and Navigation, vi Editor with practical usages as well as the different text processing commands to work efficiently with Linux. Moreover, you will gain access to the Live Linux Lab environment.

4.5/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 109 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Linux Command Line from basics
  • Work with file attributes & permissions
  • Use “cron” to schedule tasks
  • Create your own AWS Linux EC2 instance to practice
  • Learn Linux File System & Navigation
  • Learn vi Editor with practical usages
  • Learn different text processing commands to work efficiently
  • Access Live Linux Lab environment

In this Bash Shell Scripting course, you are introduced to a step-by-step and systematic approach in learning shell scripting, embedded with quizzes, assignments, and projects. This course will also teach you how to use conditions and loops effectively. You will be able to write scripts to automate repeated tasks to save time. Plus, you will learn to read files and process them line by line. In the end, you will be able to increase your productivity with shell scripting.

4.1/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 80 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand various features of bash shell
  • Use conditions & loops effectively
  • Write scripts to automate repeated tasks to save time
  • Read files & process them line by line
  • Supercharge your productivity with shell scripts

This course is specially designed to enhance and add value to Linux Admins and DevOps Engineers’ skill-set. The course starts with the basics and goes into the advanced concepts to become a Pro. In this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge on how to become an SSH power user. You will understand what port forwarding/tunneling is all about. Also, you will gain access to GUI applications that are running on a remote Linux Machine.

4.3/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 44 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Gain in-depth knowledge to become an SSH power user
  • Understand Port Forwarding/Tunneling
  • Access GUI applications that are running on remote Linux Machine
  • Learn about Securing & Hardening SS Server
  • Transfer files & directories using SSH
  • Generate & use key-pair (Public and Private Keys)
  • Know how to install SSH

PuTTY is an open-source SSH and telnet client developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. Putty is a lightweight standalone application, that is easy to learn. In addition, Putty also supports – Rlogin, Raw, and Serial connections. Putty is a well know tool among system and network administrators. However, Putty can be a handy tool for programmers, DBAs, and QA Testers as well, when working with Unix/Linux-based systems.
Putty comes with many settings to customize your sessions to your project needs.

  • Access 33 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Download & install Putty software
  • Create & edit profiles in Putty
  • Customize Putty
  • Launch Linux GUI interfaces remotely
  • Port Forwarding
  • Tips & best practices
  • Learn how to use Putty session manager

In this course, you will know how to use Git for your personal projects. Assuming that you are creating a project from scratch and want to manage it with Git, this course will be a big help for you. After going through the basic commands, you will learn how to put your code in the cloud using GitHub. It will also be discussed here the basics of Git here like how to initialize your projects, how to manage new and existing files, and how to store your code in the cloud.

  • Access 61 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Use Git for your personal projects
  • Put your code in the cloud using GitHub
  • Learn about the basics of Git
  • Initialize your projects
  • Manage new & existing files
  • Store your code in the cloud

This course helps students to work with git repositories with a significant history. You will typically see tens of thousands of history items in open-source git repositories & real-time production git repositories. Even a git repository with just 100 entries becomes difficult to parse visually. Git skills to search, rewriting history, and reset comes in handy with efficient search and management.

  • Access 61 lectures & 4 hours of content 24/7
  • Use Git for your personal projects
  • Git searching using grep
  • Rewriting history
  • Git reset

This course helps students with creating branches with git. It also covers merging those branches for several projects. This course will also go through the process of creating Stashes and applying those staches to the branches you’ve created or other branches. This will also cover how to create a branch from a stash, Finally, this course will go through how you can use rebase.

  • Access 27 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Create branches
  • Merge branches (Fast Forward & 3-way)
  • Create Stashes
  • Apply Stash to branches
  • Create a branch from a stash
  • Use rebase

This course helps you build skills to develop a properly structured YAML document in both block style and flow style. The “flow style” is also known as JSON style or compact style. YAML is a data serialization language. The “YAML Fundamentals” course helps beginners with the required skills to develop YAML documents. Most common languages provide support for YAML like GO, Python, Java, C#, etc., You will see YAML being used in various ways in the industry for web service communication, configuration management, configuration files, data store, etc. In today’s market, every IT professional is expected to know YAML.

  • Access 32 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • What is YAML?
  • Understand YAML Structure
  • Understanding the syntax of YAML
  • Understand Simple and Complex YAML documents
  • Understand Block Style and Flow Style
  • Ability to handle long and multi-line strings
  • Ability to develop professional YAML documents using Anchors
  • Ability to use Tags to enforce data type
  • Ability to develop YAML documents from scratch
  • Use the provided Python code to review YAML documents
The post The Mastering Linux and Git Certification Bundle (80% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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