Thursday, September 28, 2017

SyvirBuild (100% discount)

SyvirBuild makes a network inventory of all your PCs on your local network and builds a 3D virtual system of the target PC. So you can see at a glance what hardware is on the PC. When trying to check a PCs hardware specification sometimes the only reliable means is to open up the box and see for yourself what’s inside the system case. Clearly this is time consuming and when you have a huge number of PCs on your network this can be impractical. SyvirBuild comes with an automatic network scanner that detects all off your Windows PCs in your local area network. Agent less scanning means no software agent is needed to be deployed on the target PC. A wide range of hardware inventory details are scanned by SyvirBuild. Once the computer has been scanned a list of hardware inventory is created. You can quickly see key hardware names such as processor name hard disk part number which version of windows is installed on the target PC.

via Ashraf Ashraf


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