Monday, September 23, 2019

BitSilo (100% discount)

MollieSoft now offers BitSilo, an automatic backup/restore program for Windows.

BitSilo features:

  • Creates timestamped backups for files and directories you specify.
  • Create multiple backup sets, each containing a different set of files or directories to be backed up on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule.
  • Create a full backup to save all the specified files; create an incremental backup to save only those files that have changed since the last backup.
  • Exclude files from the backup using any part of the file folder or name.
  • Flexible management of disk space used by backup archives.
  • Restore files from any backup using a query language to find files.
  • Automatic removal of old backups; cleanup rules govern which recent backups to keep.

via Ashraf


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