Friday, February 22, 2019

ContentWasher (100% discount)

Protect your children from obscene content in Internet. ContentWasher is filtering software designed to provide Internet child safety. This program keeps track and checks the content of every web-page the child browses. If the program finds some obscene content (characteristic of pornography, violence, religious sects, etc.),

ContentWasher will immediately block viewing such pages.

– Internet content filtering by the searching the forbidden words.
– Filtering the https traffic.
– Restricting the access to Internet by days of week and time.
– Restricting the access to online games by days of week and time.
– “Block list” of the sites.
– “White list” of the sites.
– “Safe search” mode on the popular search engines.
– Blocking the social networks sites.
– Sending the log file to the parents by email.
– Remote connecting to the program through your local network.
– and many more…

Limit access to a computer at whole. Kids spend too much time at the computer? Or immediately after school start to play in the computer games and forget about the lessons? Control the access to a computer with ContentWasher!

– Counting the time that kid spends at the computer.
– Limiting access to a computer in certain hours and days..
– Ability to view the child’s screen and control his computer over the
local network.
– Automatic switching off the computer when allowed time is over.
– Block computer games by time.

Online system of parental control. The system will allow you through internet to control the time that
your child spend on the computer.

– Power off the child’s computer and to block its using on hour or two.
– Receive the email messages when your child starts to use the computer.
– Make the video calls to child’s computer.
– Receive the screenshots and photos from webcam to your email.

via Ashraf

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