Do You Think Putting a Sticky Tape Over Your Webcam is Enough? Well, IT IS NOT! ShieldApps’ Webcam Blocker is a cyber-privacy software designed to protect your computer’s webcam and microphone from hacking attempts and any internal or external breach. ShieldApps’ Webcam Blocker equips you with a highly sophisticated security software that utilizes advanced privacy enhancement algorithms – packaged in a simple interface that allows a single-click protection. ShieldApps’ Webcam Blocker equips standard webcams with advanced privacy protection mechanisms, allowing you to Digitally Block any attempt of hacking your camera by hackers, tracking companies, and other malicious 3rd parties. WEBCAM BLOCKER Upon selecting the options any external or internal attempt to access the webcam will be denied. MICROPHONE BLOCKER The Microphone Blocker feature blocks access to the computer's audio port, providing the user complete and absolute confidence and privacy. PRIVACY AND SECURITY ShieldApps Webcam Blocker adds another layer of protection to your computer and proactive privacy approach!
NB: 1-year license.
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