Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2017 Master Game Development Bundle (pay what you want)

If you’ve ever had a great idea for a game but didn’t know how to build it, then this is the course for you. This jam-packed course will give you all the instruction you need to build your own game worlds in Unity 3D, the industry standard game engine. Soon you’ll be building and playing your very own games as an accomplished game developer.

  • Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Navigate the Unity interface & 3D views
  • Work w/ & modify game objects like characters & obstacles
  • Import game assets such as meshes, textures & audio files
  • Learn how to program game mechanics & create game logic & gameplay
  • Design levels using Unity’s many tools options
  • Use snapping to create modular level designs

You can use the Unity game engine for a wide range of platforms, but one of the most common is Android. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals to building games for the world’s most popular mobile platform, opening doors to an enormous market. Best of all, you don’t need any prior experience, just a willingness to learn!

  • Access 73 lectures & 14 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the basic concepts & tools you need to build fully functional Android games in Unity
  • Install Unity, the Java Development Kit, & Android SDK
  • Create example Android games from scratch
  • Discover how to design game art
  • Understand how to monetize your game & make a living in game development
  • Use included course quizzes to verify your knowledge

Real-time capabilities make sites like Facebook, Twitter, and most news sites a fully interactive, immersive experience for users, and keep them coming back for more. Over this course, you’ll learn how you, too, can make impressive web apps with real-time capabilities using Meteor.js, a full-stack JavaScript framework designed to drastically simplify development time and complexity. Before you know it, you’ll be building reactive user interfaces and allowing users to interact with your apps in real time.

  • Access 70 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Create highly interactive, real-time Meteor web apps
  • Store, retrieve, & manipulate data w/ MongoDB
  • Understand user sign up, authentication, & proper data validation
  • Learn how to structure the folders & files in your projects
  • Give your apps extended powers w/ external community packages
  • Style your apps w/ Bootstrap 3
  • Integrate w/ the Phaser game engine to create real-time games

Mastering Phaser will enable you to build interactive, online multi-player games – the likes of which are considered some of the best games in the world. Over this project-based course, you’ll learn how to build comprehensive games in Phaser that use Firebase to join front end and back end development. By course’s end you’ll have emulations of Fruit Ninja and Bomberman to add to your portfolio.

  • Access 52 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Build online multi-player games, real-time multi-player games, online leaderboards, & more
  • Understand backend integration using Firebase
  • Explore path-finding, basic enemy AI, & swipe touch detection
  • Create game stores w/ item upgrades
  • Use Priority Queues in strategy games
  • Create Phaser plugins

Unreal Engine 4 is one of the industry-leading 3D game design softwares, and this beginner course will get you up to speed on developing games using this cutting edge software. Used to develop games like Borderlands, Gears of War, and Mass Effect, the Unreal Engine can give you a serious edge on the game development competition. Who knows, by the end of this course, you may have created the next hit!

  • Access 63 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the basic concepts of game development using the Unreal Engine
  • Script logic for your games so you can define game rules & behaviors
  • Understand collisions & damage, key concepts for any action game
  • Create user interfaces using the UMG Editor to add menus, load screens, HUDs, & more
  • Discover how audio works within the Unreal Engine

It seems like everybody these days has at least one game obsession on their iPhone. In this course, you’ll learn how to build the next one by mastering SpriteKit and Swift 3, the primary game development tools for iOS. Starting from absolute scratch, you’ll learn Swift programming and the powerful 2D game engine, SpriteKit by building real, fully functional games.

  • Access 109 lectures & 18 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore Swift programming
  • Import & organize assets into SpriteKit
  • Learn how to create & animate Sprites
  • Understand how to use SpriteKit’s physics system
  • Save game data using NSKeyedArchiver & NSKeyedUnarchiver
  • Discover the basics behind sound in SpriteKit

This course will teach you the essentials of crafting engaging games for Apple TV that pit player against player. You’ll learn to configure multi-player gameplay modes, external controllers, the physics of your game world, and more, rounding out your game development skill set to create games certain to engross players again and again.

  • Develop player vs player tvOS games w/ 6 hours of content
  • Master the fundamentals of tvOS app development
  • Add 1-Player & 2-Player gameplay modes
  • Configure external controllers w/ tvOS
  • Detect physics collisions, create a bullet class, animate explosions, etc.
  • Build out your game development skill set

One of the most common ways mobile games make money is with in-app purchases, and if you want to make it as an independent game developer, you had better learn how to incorporate them into your work! In this project-based course, you’ll create and publish a complete IAP-featured game using the Unity Game Engine.

  • Access 68 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Use Soomla IAP to support multi-scened games w/ in-app purchases
  • Create an in-app store
  • Build monetization solutions like ad unlocking, music purchases, virtual currency, & more
  • Understand Soomla storage & user preferences
  • Design a response UI

Construct 2 is a simple game creator that allows you to develop and build exciting, comprehensive 2D games without having to write a single line of code. This course will give you a step by step tutorial along the various stages of building a “run and gun,” platformer style game. By the end of the course you’ll have covered all the fundamental concepts necessary to build custom HTML5 games in Construct 2.

  • Access 35 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to implement craft gameplay & game rules
  • Import Non Player Characters, sound effects, music & more
  • Configure multiple frame based animations, backgrounds & sprites
  • Create game logic & game mechanics without programming

The applications of Java are seemingly endless, but one the most popular uses is in game development. Considering that gaming is a billion dollar industry, there’s massive incentive to learn Java game development fundamentals. In this course, you’ll use important Java tools and discuss core game development concepts as you create your very own clone of the hit mobile game, Flappy Bird.

  • Access 29 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn Java & game development by creating a Flappy Bird clone
  • Customize your game & build a framework for more games
  • Improve your knowledge of Object Oriented Programming
  • Grasp the fundamental concepts of game programming

via Ashraf

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