Friday, January 3, 2020

The Ultimate Front End Development Bundle (96% discount)

The information age has put a premium on web developers and made web development skills more important than ever. In this course, you’ll learn valuable front-end development concepts so you can start building your own websites from scratch. With an immersion in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery, this course will give you a wealth of knowledge that may be an excellent foundation for your development career.

  • Access 204 lectures & 17 hours of content 24/7
  • Discover popular coding languages over 4 distinct, well-organized units
  • Use comments & meta information in HTML
  • Transform your HTML code w/ CSS
  • Build navigation bars, format pages & make your website come to life
  • Debug using JavaScript
  • Create elements on the fly w/ JavaScript
  • Traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) w/ jQuery

JavaScript is one of the web’s most popular languages, having been used to build, or contributed to build just about all of your favorite websites and applications. In this course, you’ll learn how to develop dynamic, interactive websites with JavaScript. The opportunities for JavaScript developers are virtually endless, so the time to learn is now!

  • Access 50 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Build more dynamic & interactive web content
  • Create more fluent web interactions by selecting & manipulating elements on a web page
  • Customize the user experience w/ JavaScript
  • Get up to speed w/ an extremely popular, in-demand web development language

HTML and CSS are the two programming languages most fundamental to web development and design, and the two most important for a new web developer to learn. If you’re new to coding, this course is perfect. You’ll learn HTML and CSS quickly and easily, taking your programming skills from novice to professional in no time.

  • Access 84 lectures & 7.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Cover all HTML & CSS basics
  • Work w/ HTML lists, tables, links, iframing, images, & more
  • Explore CSS selectors, dimensions, lists, tables, the Box Model, & more
  • Complete a full website project

jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today, designed to make it easier to navigate programming elements and develop more dynamic websites. You’ll learn this useful tool by actually delving into real code and optimizing jQuery in real projects. By course’s end, you’ll be able to work productively with JavaScript to create professional-quality sites.

  • Access 51 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Make your site come alive w/ jQuery’s animation utilities
  • Change the contents & appearance of any element in the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Discover how to find & add content to your page dynamically w/o reloading w/ AJAX
  • Handle any user input events, including mouse clicks & keyboard input
  • Create a fast-feedback form that notifies your users of incorrectly formatted input before even submitting the form

jQuery dramatically simplifies the process of writing JavaScript, allowing you to create dynamic, interactive websites quickly. Common tasks that otherwise take lines of code to execute? With jQuery, you can simply write one line and be done with it. Whether you’re working with HTML or implementing animations, you’ll find your development process to be easier than ever.

  • Master JavaScript & jQuery essentials w/ 26 lectures & 3 hours of content
  • Learn JavaScript basics: manipulate basic data types, utilize strings, etc.
  • Control flow using the “if” statement & loops, use the DOM, etc.
  • Use selectors to target specific HTML elements on a page
  • Write code that reacts to events, executes effects & animations, etc.
  • Manipulate the HTML content on a webpage
  • Seamlessly use AJAX to request data, handle errors, etc.

So you’re comfortable with JavaScript. You’ve taken some courses, written some programs, built a few websites… But would you say you’re advanced? No? Well, this course wants to get you there. Diving into deeper JavaScript fundamentals, this course imagines you’re in a technical interview, helping you root out specific problems and debug more effectively. By course’s end, you’ll have all the tools you need to pass any technical interview and lock down high-paying JavaScript gigs.

  • Access 25 lectures & 3.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the different types in JavaScript & how to check if two values are really equal
  • Understand the different scopes in which a variable can be declared & how to manipulate those scopes
  • Perform object orientation in JavaScript w/ both the Prototype Pattern & the Pseudo-Classical/Constructor Pattern
  • Delve into advanced topics in networking, like CORS & JSONP
  • Cover advanced topics in event handling, like the different event phases
  • Learn advanced JavaScript through a series of 20 interview questions to help you better prepare for technical interviews

JavaScript is one of the most in-demand programming languages today because it is built into and runs in all major internet browsers. It’s the most common language used in web development. If you have any aspirations towards being a web developer, you need to learn JavaScript, and this is the perfect course to send you on your way.

  • Access 44 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Add features & interactivity to websites
  • Build large full stack applications using JavaScript
  • Create entire games using a single programming language
  • Use mini projects to gauge your learning

Building one website is cool, but if you want to make any money in web development, you’re going to need to learn the tricks to outline and construct a high volume of sites. In this course, you’ll learn how to use HTML and CSS to compile the basic foundations of new sites quickly and easily. The first step to any project is the prototype, and this course will give you the tools to nail the prototype phase fast.

  • Access 35 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Gain a basic understanding of HTML & CSS
  • Learn how to rapidly build web layout wireframes
  • Create the basic sections of a site, like text, images, & interactive features
  • Scale wireframes into fully-functioning sites

via Ashraf

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