This book has extensive coverage of techniques that will help prevent attackers from breaching your system, by building a much more secure Linux environment. You will learn various security techniques such as SSH hardening, network service detection, setting up firewalls, encrypting file systems, protecting user accounts, authentication processes, and so on. Moving forward, you will also develop hands-on skills with advanced Linux permissions, access control, special modes, and more. Lastly, this book will also cover best practices and troubleshooting techniques to get your work done efficiently. By the end of this book, you will be confident in delivering a system that will be much harder to compromise.
- Access 376 pages & 11 hours of content 24/7
- Use various techniques to prevent intruders from accessing sensitive data
- Prevent intruders from planting malware, & detect whether malware has been planted
- Prevent insiders from accessing data that they aren’t authorized to access
- Do quick checks to see whether a computer is running network services that it doesn’t need to run
- Learn security techniques that are common to all Linux distros, & some that are distro-specific
Using the Linux shell, you can generate databases and web pages from sets of files, automate monotonous admin tasks such as system backups, monitor your system’s health and activity, identify network bottlenecks and system resource hogs, and more. This book will show you how to do all this and much more.
- Access 552 pages & 16.5 hours of content 24/7
- Interact w/ websites via scripts
- Write shell scripts to mine & process data from the eb
- Automate system backups & other repetitive tasks w/ crontab
- Create, compress, & encrypt archives of your critical data
- Configure & monitor Ethernet and wireless networks
- Monitor & log network and system activity
- Tune your system for optimal performance
- Improve your system’s security
In this book, you’ll discover everything you need to know to master shell scripting and make informed choices about the elements you employ. Grab your favorite editor and start writing your best Bash scripts step by step. Get to grips with the fundamentals of creating and running a script in normal mode, and in debug mode. Learn about various conditional statements’ code snippets, and realize the power of repetition and loops in your shell script. You will also learn to write complex shell scripts. This book will also deep dive into file system administration, directories, and system administration like networking, process management, user authentications, and package installation and regular expressions. Towards the end of the book, you will learn how to use Python as a BASH Scripting alternative. By the end of this book, you will know shell scripts at the snap of your fingers and will be able to automate and communicate with your system with keyboard expressions.
- Access 284 pages & 8.5 hours of content 24/7
- Make, execute, & debug your first Bash script
- Create interactive scripts that prompt for user input
- Foster menu structures for operators w/ little command-line experience
- Develop scripts that dynamically edit web configuration files to produce a new virtual platform
- Write scripts that use AWK to search & report on log files
- Draft effective scripts using functions as building blocks, reducing maintenance & build time
- Make informed choices by comparing different script languages such as Python w/ BASH
Embedded Linux runs many of the devices we use every day, from smart TVs to WiFi routers, test equipment to industrial controllers – all of them have Linux at their heart. Linux is a core technology in the implementation of the inter-connected world of the Internet of Things. The comprehensive guide shows you the technologies and techniques required to build Linux into embedded systems. You will begin by learning about the fundamental elements that underpin all embedded Linux projects: the toolchain, the bootloader, the kernel, and the root filesystem. You’ll see how to create each of these elements from scratch, and how to automate the process using Buildroot and the Yocto Project.
- Access 478 pages & 14 hours of content 24/7
- Evaluate the Board Support Packages offered by most manufacturers of a system on chip or embedded modules
- Use Buildroot & the Yocto Project to create embedded Linux systems quickly and efficiently
- Update IoT devices in the field without compromising security
- Reduce the power budget of devices to make batteries last longer
- Interact w/ the hardware without having to write kernel device drivers
- Debug devices remotely using GDB
- Find out how to configure Linux as a real-time operating system
via Ashraf
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