Master the foundations of strategy game development by creating a turn-based, micro-strategy game about building and managing a colony on Mars. Using the popular Unity game engine, this course will walk you through the process of basic strategy game mechanics, including resource management, grid placement, and beyond. Not only will you boost your overall game development skills within Unity, but gain essential, fundamental knowledge for coding a variety of strategy game systems that can be expanded further for larger, turn-based projects.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 11 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Instantiate a grid, tile-based system & map
- Control UI elements to reflect resources available
- Create a game manager to calculate resources & turns
- Set up the ability for users to place various buildings
- Limit where buildings can be placed based on other buildings
Develop important programming skills by learning the fundamentals of C++, one of the most universal and in-demand programming languages in the development industry. C++ is a general-purpose language known both for its efficiency to perform tasks quicker than other languages, as well as its popularity as a code base for both programs and games. Through this course, you will be shown all the foundations needed to understand how to write C++ programs in the context of a game project and gain the knowledge needed to expand into your own C++ projects.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 21 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
- Set up a C++ project and compile the code
- Print out certain output based on user input
- Deal with common language features such as variables, operators, and functions
- Understand pointers and how they relate to memory management
- Control a program’s flow with conditions, loops, and more
- Work with object-oriented programming principles
Learn to build your own APIs suited for both web applications and server-side communication. In this course, you will work with the cross-platform JavaScript runtime, Node.js, in conjunction with the popular server framework Express to create an API with various routes for authentication, requests, and more. By the end, you will not only learn the various methods and implementations needed for a successful API, but also understand how it can be applied to both applications and games.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 19 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Use Express, Node.js, Postman, Nodemon, and Passport.js for server-side app development
- Set up routes, routers, and API Endpoints to send users to the right location
- Send and receive requests for server communication
- Parse data in the request bodies and cookies to perform desired tasks
- Implement the basics of authentication
Start your dream game development projects by learning the fundamentals of the Godot game engine! Godot, a fast-growing engine popular for both being free and open-source, allows you to create a variety of games in both 2D and 3D views. With its dynamic node system that differs from many other popular engines and its personal programming language GDScript, the engine gives you a plethora of easy-to-use tools to develop platformers, RPGs, strategy games, and more. In this course, you will get started learning in-demand skills with Godot by developing a simple 2D platformer from scratch. Not only will you possess a complete game by the end of the course, but also master the foundations necessary to expand into more complex game development with Godot.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 16 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Set up Godot for game development projects
- Create player characters and get them moving with GDScript
- Implement enemies and coins with appropriate collision detection
- Manage Godot’s camera to follow the player character
- Utilize Godot’s UI system to display scores
- Develop a 2D platformer level using tiles
Enhance your game projects by Adobe Mixamo, the 3D animation software that allows you to quickly create, rig and animate humanoid characters. Learn how to use it in conjunction with Unity’s Animator component and start featuring dynamic movement in your games.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 14 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Set up animations in Unity’s Animator component
- Control animations w/ states & state machines
- Use blend trees & transitions to switch between animations
- Rig and animate character models w/ Adobe Mixamo
- Vary your animations w/ layers & masks
Note: Software NOT included.
Develop an AR spaceship-shooting game while gaining skills that will allow you to exploit real-world space. Through this course, you will dive into Unity and AR Foundation, Unity’s single API package to develop for both iOS’s ARKit and Android’s ARCore, while exploring the basics of AR game development. You’ll gain the skills necessary to spawn virtual objects automatically without manual input from the user, and the foundations needed to develop more robust games that use the physical world and your mobile device’s camera to create unique experiences.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 10 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Implement shooting mechanics triggered by tapping the screen
- Use placement indicators to place key objects
- Spawn enemies into the world randomly and at set intervals
- Manage projectiles for better performance
- Set up game over mechanics, UI elements, and more in AR
Learn to build real-time strategy games by starting with the foundations of unit movement in Unity. Through this course, you will be shown how to set up 3D models as units that can be selected and moved to various points clicked on a map. The techniques developed here can be scaled to any number of units, providing you with the necessary skills to expand to resource management, combat, and more for any strategy game sub-genre.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 12 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Create easily clone-able units with 3D models
- Set up a NavMesh to determine applicable move locations
- Implement single-unit selection and movement
- Develop a box selection method to select multiple units
- Move units by clicking at points on the NavMesh
- Coordinate groups of units to move in sync with each other
Develop your own platformer game in this introductory course for Unity. Through this course, you will learn the basics for creating a simple game from start to finish, with principles that can be applied across multiple game development projects. Jump into the next stage of game design by creating one of your first games.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 23 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
- Create a player and player movement, including directional facing and jumping
- Set up Unity’s camera to follow the player
- Implement enemies and collision detection
- Produce a coin collection system complete with audio
- Master Unity’s UI system for menus, score tracking, and more
- Build the game so you can share with others
Do you have an idea for an addictive mobile experience that you’re eager to share with the world? Covering how to develop for mobile devices using the popular Unity engine, this course will walk you through all the steps needed to deploy a game to your iOS or Android device.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 18 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Detect touch inputs & gestures (dragging, zooming, and more)
- Build your game for iOS & Android
- Optimize your game for better mobile performance
- Set up various particle systems
Develop fundamental C++ programming skills by building your own RPG! In this course, you will create a text-based, dungeon crawler from scratch using only C++, an in-demand language used in many fields of development. As you build this game, not only will you gain a better understanding of how to apply game coding principles with C++, but also how its task efficiency makes it suitable for high-end game projects. By the end of this course, you will have the skills needed to start pursuing your own game projects (regardless of genre), along with highly transferrable skills that can be applied to other types of C++ based programs.
Over 500,000 learners in Zenva Academy
- Access 18 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
- Create classes to store object information and data
- Set up a player character that can move and explore your dungeon
- Implement enemies and fighting mechanics to challenge players
- Add items and looting mechanics to reward players
- Control the game flow with game over conditions and stats
- Build dungeons and rooms based on class information
via Ashraf
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