Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Ultimate Web Developer & Designer Super Bundle (98% discount)

This course covers JavaScript and how it can be used to select elements from the web page. Create new elements and update and manipulate elements directly using JavaScript. Explore how easy it is to make your website come to life. The course has mini-projects that you can work on as you progress to highlight what was learned.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 74 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore how to add JavaScript to your HTML pages
  • Create User input with Prompt Code JavaScript
  • Create arrays to hold data with JavaScript
  • Use Element QuerySelectorAll JavaScript DOM element selection methods
  • Learn JavaScript code to duplicate page elements

It’s your job to make sure the web developer codes a website that looks exactly like your design, otherwise what was the point of designing the website in the first place? This course will show you a few tips and tricks to working with a web developer including the best way to make live website adjustments and sharing the changes you’ve introduced with your developer in a way that’s quick and friendly, but also helps the developer.

  • Access 6 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn the best way to make live website adjustments
  • Share the changes you’ve introduced with your developer
  • Rip apart a website & make the changes for improvement
  • Look like a web design superhero

If you have never written any website code, this is the course for you. Every website uses HTML and it’s a vital skill to know as a web developer. This course is designed for absolute beginners who have never written any code before! Luckily, learning HTML is simple! In this brief course, you’re gonna learn everything you need to know about HTML and provide you with the skill you need to continue learning more advanced HTML (or if you wanted to learn on your own).

  • Access 24 lecture & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Get started by downloading VS Code
  • Take a look at what HTML syntax looks like
  • Diver right into HTML & learn about base page structure ,page titles, paragraphs, headings & more
  • Take a peek into the world of CSS & JavaScript

This is the intermediate course that comes after the HTML 101 course. If you have already written some HTML then this course is definitely for you. In HTML 201 you will learn slightly more advanced HTML. It will tackle things like internal page links, favicons, asset pathing, tables, beginner-friendly CSS, HTML entities, form and form elements such as input fields and dropdown menus, and how to embed a YouTube video. There are mini-tasks are the end of several videos for you to get hands-on experience as you progress through HTML 201.

  • Access 22 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Dive into subjects such as internal page links
  • Add a favicon icon to your webpage tab in your browser
  • Link to files & pages in other folders
  • Merge tables with rows, cells & headers
  • Dive into special characters in HTML
  • Know how forms work
  • Add okaces where you can type your name, email ^ oasswird
  • Embed a YouTube video

CSS is the one and only way to make your website look beautiful. Without CSS, your website will look like it’s from 1997. That was OK until about 2005. But these days you want a modern-looking website. A modern looking website will represent you better than a pure HTML website. This course will cover all the beginner subjects, plus it will dive into CSS properties such as font colors and sizes, background colors and images, height and width, padding and margin, borders and rounding borders, display properties, floating elements, and much more. There are several small tasks at the end of several videos for hands-on experience so you can practice what you’ve been watching right away.

  • Access 37 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn what CSS is & how it works
  • Get an overview of the CSS syntax
  • Write inline & internal CSS
  • Write element selectors & class selectors
  • Select elements by their D
  • Work with different text colors & color types
  • Apply styling to different link states
  • Change font sizes, background colors, add images & more

This is the second step in being able to write really powerful CSS and making your websites look amazing! This course starts by quickly reviewing some of the things discussed in CSS 101, and then jump into more advanced CSS like absolute positioning and making pixel-perfect web designs. It will also tackle working with a designer, so when you land your first web development job as a frontend web developer you’ll be prepared to work with a professional designer.

  • Access 30 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Get a quick review of the skillset in CSS 101
  • Jump into more advanced CSS
  • Learn more about the box model
  • Work with lots of positioning
  • Make small micro animations
  • Make things move on their own without any interaction whatsoever

This is the “final step” when learning CSS – how to make your website “responsive”. Responsive web design is the act of making your HTML elements “snap” to different locations and to look different on different devices. In this course, you’ll use your knowledge of background colors, border radii, font colors, flexbox, and grid to start making a web page act responsively. Lastly, you’ll finish this course by creating a page layout using flexbox (alternatively you can use CSS grid) and making the template responsive – that is, you’ll make it “mobile-friendly” so when you shrink down your browser size, it looks great on tablets and phones.

  • Access 10 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Understand what responsive web design is
  • Use your knowledge of background colors, border radii, font colors, flexbox & grid
  • Make a web page act responsively
  • Make your page “mobile-friendly” so it would look great on tablets & phones

Learn how your computer “talks” to a website. In this course, you will learn how your computer (and web browser) communicate with a website. When you ask a website for information, the server you’re talking to gives you files to download. Your browser safely does this in the background and puts all the different files together. If it needs to make more requests, it will make more requests and await another server response. In this course, you will learn how all of this works, why it’s important to know all this, and how to check in on your requests and responses.

  • Access 9 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Learn how websites work
  • Know what a browser is & what it does
  • Understand what web requests are
  • Learn about the request lifecycle
  • Interpret HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Learn how to get into web development. In this class, you’re going to explore what web development is and how exactly to get into web development as a hobby or career. If you’re brand new to coding, software development, or web development, this is where you should start as this is the perfect introduction to web development course. The course will explain the terminology and common words used in the industry. And then it will dive into open source and what it is, why it’s important, and what companies are looking for in open source contributions.

  • Access 12 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Understand what web development is & how to get into it as a career
  • Tackle common myths about web development & common questions people have
  • Take a look at tools of the trade
  • Know terminology & common words used in the industry
  • Dive into open source & what it is
  • Create a very simple HTML web page

The canvas element is part of HTML5 and allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. This course will walk you through how to use JavaScript code and syntax to create visual content within the HTML5 canvas element on the webpage. You’ll learn how to create your first game — a fun interactive battle game with a computer brain and dynamic values.

4.8/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 19 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Create your first Game using HTML5 & Canvas
  • Use Canvas element to draw
  • Learn how JavaScript is applied to HTML5 Canvas
  • Apply JavaScript to create Canvas effects like Matrix, bouncing ball & more
  • Build a game with HTML5 canvas, apply game logic & more

“You definitely want some javascript experience for this course, but, it’s an excellent quick overview to get you started with HTML5 canvas features.” – Alan Swithenbank

This is a hands-on course that will help you put your HTML5 skills and knowledge into practice. In this course, you will create 5 Canvas-based games: Pong, Catcher, Bubble Popper, Brick Breakout, and Battle Bots. You will also work on 5 projects. This course requires prior coding experience to help you work easier.

4.8/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 80 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Make Canvas-based games
    • HTML5 Canvas Pong Game. Hit the ball between 2 players on screen
    • HTML5 Canvas Falling Items Catcher Game. Catch items as they fall
    • Bubble Popper. Score when you click & pop endless bubbles that float up the screen
    • Brick Breakout Game. Build your version of this classic brick breaker game
    • Battle Bots Game. Create 2 player interaction & response to game actions
  • Create 5 projects
    • Download canvas image to computer
    • Create a Matrix falling letters effect using HTML5 Canvas
    • Explore how to make a bouncing ball on canvas
    • Upload images from your computer into canvas
    • Draw on canvas simple drawing application project

Explore how you can build your own games online using JavaScript. This course will help you learn about game design and teach you the steps to create fully-functional games from start to finish. Create your own version of the game in just a few hours! Source codes are included.

5.0/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 68 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Create games using JavaScript
  • Work on 5 projects
    1. Word Scramble. Scramble the letters with JavaScript Random Array values
    2. Word Decoder. Every letter has a number associated with it; player needs to solve the phrase using the number codes to letters
    3. Hangman Game. Player needs to guess the hidden phrase by clicking the available letters
    4. Wordsearch. Create a fully functional word search that fills the grid with as many words as possible
    5. Dynamic Quiz Game. Creates all the DOM elements & interactions depending on the JSON data

Put your JavaScript skills to the test – create a fully functional Math game from scratch – perfect for kids to learn math. Test your kids or anyone who wants to put their math skills to the test, math skills with a dynamic math quiz game built with JavaScript. The lessons of this course will walk you through all the steps to create a fully functional Math game in which you can set the parameters.

New course!

  • Access 25 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
  • Apply JavaScript to create an interactive dynamic Math Game
  • Make calculations with JavaScript
  • Create elements on the page
  • Add interactions to game for player
  • Apply styling to make interesting games
  • Create & generate dynamic games and randomize content

This is an updated course to keep up with the changing technologies. This course now includes the secret way to get a job interview without submitting a resume. It’s not really a “secret” it’s just a technique that nobody talks about — until now. It’ll change the way you look for a job as a web developer! In this course, you’ll also learn how to bypass submitting a resume to strangers, and how to get an interview with your dream company.

4.5/5 average rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
  • Access 23 lectures & 1 hour of content 24/7
  • Know the secret way senior developers get job offers so quickly
  • Use the hidden coding tool all developers use, but nobody talks about
  • Stop blindly submitting resumes & get a real interview
  • Work your way into your dream company
  • Find what skills are actually in demand in your city
The post The Ultimate Web Developer & Designer Super Bundle (98% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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