Thursday, January 13, 2022

Coding with Python: The Ultimate Training for Aspiring Developers Bundle (92% discount)

Demand for Python is booming in the job market and it is a skill that can help you enter some of the most exciting industries, including data science, web applications, home automation and many more. Python is one of the “most loved” and “most wanted” programming languages according to recent industry surveys. If people are not using Python already, they want to start using Python. With 34 hours of instruction, this course will take you from beginner to expert in Python. It will cover major topics including Object-Oriented Programming, Web Scraping, GUI development, and more. This course will make it easy for you to learn Python and get ahead of your competition.

6,067 positive ratings from 25,596 students enrolled

  • Access 316 lectures & 34 hours of content 24/7
  • Get a broader & deeper experience in Python
  • Start at zero & become an expert whilst learning all about the inner workings of Python
  • Learn how to write professional Python code like a professional Python developer
  • Develop a long-lasting love for Python & programming by creating good programming habits
  • Explore the wider possibilities of what you can do w/ Python, including databases, web development & web scraping
  • Become job-ready by learning about best practices, Selenium, unit testing, & all of the major Python topics

“Jose Salvatierra is wonderful teacher. His command on the subject is awesome and he gives complete effort and shows complete dedication to make his student understand thoroughly. I recommend this course for sure.” – Munish Kumar Sharma

Say no more to copy-pasting code that you don’t understand. This course will guide you in creating simple, intermediate, and advanced REST APIs including authentication, deployments, caching, and much more. Put simply, a REST API is an application that accepts data from clients and returns data back. With the data, it can do many things. For example, a REST API we build in this course accepts text data from the client, processes it and stores it in a database, and then returns some data back so the client can show something to the user. Using Flask and popular extensions Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy you’ll dive right into developing complete, solid, production-ready REST APIs.

8,513 positive ratings from 48,857 students enrolled

  • Access 148 lectures & 16 hours of content 24/7
  • Create resource-based, production-ready REST APIs using Python, Flask, & popular Flask extensions
  • Handle secure user registration & authentication w/ Flask
  • Using SQLAlchemy & Flask-SQLAlchemy to easily & efficiently store resources to a database
  • Understand the complex intricacies of deployments & the performance of Flask REST APIs

“Jose is an excellent instructor, explaining the course material concisely. The course has some cool projects as well. If in need of assistance, he’s also there to answer without delay. For people learning about REST APIs, this course is definitely a must-take. – Dimitris Tsaknakis

This course starts with a simple REST API and teaches you everything you need to know about it—you can follow along with absolutely no issues. With 110 lectures, this course covers MArshmallow, Stripe, OAuth, Python 3.7, and more. There’s even an e-book to get you up to speed quickly with this starter REST API! This course introduces new features and technologies by baking them into this application so you can see how a professional REST API is developed. Every new feature is added to a fully working application and tested! You’ll also understand more about how to build features incrementally to get them to your users quickly and minimize risk!

305 positive reviews from 4,932 students enrolled

  • Access 110 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
  • Integrate advanced functionality in your API such as image upload, payments, or user confirmation e-mails
  • Improve operations of existing REST APIs w/ database migrations & extensive refactoring knowledge
  • Bring your REST API development to a whole new level by getting familiar w/ more of the Flask ecosystem
  • Easily deploy documentation pages & test your API w/ Postman’s collection runner

“Truly an advanced course for REST API’s and it covered a great deal more. I took Jose’s Complete Python course as well as the basic REST API course and they were excellent preparations for this course.” – David Pinhasik

Testing automation doesn’t have to be painful. Software testing is an essential skill for any developer, and this course will surely help you understand all types of test automation with Python. This course is jam-packed with all the latest technologies for you to use professionally and in personal projects including unittest, mocking and patching, Postman, Selenium, Git, and more. With 116 lectures, this class will cover every fundamental software testing skill that you need to know in order to get a job testing or to apply these skills in your existing projects.

2,178 positive reviews from 15,104 students enrolled

  • Access 118 lectures & 12 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn everything you need to know about automated software testing w/ Python
  • Know how to write complete system tests using Python & tools like Postman
  • Do browser-based acceptance testing using Behave & Selenium WebDriver
  • Know & avoid the common pitfalls and best practices when writing automated tests
  • Automate your application testing by setting up a continuous integration pipeline using Travis CI

” think this is a great course on learning Python-based automated testing for an intermediate coder. Python Refresher is helpful and appropriate, the explanations are clear and comprehensive, the pace is good, and I’ve learned a lot of very useful skills.” – Kaelyn Lindquist

Git is an essential skill for all team members of a technology company. In order to survive, technology companies are increasingly dependent on continuous delivery to give customers a better experience. Git or other methods of Version Control are necessary in order to do this. This course will make sure you get familiar, understand, and then master this extremely popular Version Control system. By the end of this class, you’ll acquire a vital and in-demand skill to boost your CV and development abilities, help your team deliver working software, and make companies love you.

“105 positive ratings from 1,380 students enrolled

  • Access 39 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand what Version Control is
  • Write commit message using VIM
  • Know the basic structure of a repository
  • Organize branches via Gitflow workflow

“I found this course very helpful. I have been using Git for a while. The GitFlow workflow and use of SourceTree were new to me. Jose explained it clearly and provided an example of using SourceTree, which I found very helpful.” – David Welsh

This course will lead you down a path of understanding that may well result in an income boost or positive career change. It’s a one-stop shop covering everything you need to start creating Python web applications that engage visitors and provide them with value. Starting with the basics of Python, you’ll move onto how the internet works, before creating your first complete web apps in Python.

3,534 positive reviews from 24,521 students enrolled

  • Access 154 lectures & 15 hours of content 24/7
  • Cover Python fundamentals, programming, & user interaction
  • Discuss how the internet works, making web requests & parsing web pages to get data from them using Python
  • Explore MongoDB
  • Create a blog where users can register & publish posts
  • Build a web app that will notify you when prices of items in online stores go down

“It was a good match for me. I was already quite experienced with Python and MongoDB, but not with any web development, HTML and Flask. I really learned a lot from this course and I would definitively recommend this to my friends.” – Job Almekinders

The post Coding with Python: The Ultimate Training for Aspiring Developers Bundle (92% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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