Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Premium Java Programming Certification Bundle (98% discount)

Java is one of the most prominent programming languages today due to its power and versatility. In this course, LearnWhilePracticing guides you to be operational right away. This class will help you uncover new skills through practice, instead of going over a boring class where you would not be grasping the concepts. Practices make perfect! Oracle Certified Java Expert, Mr. Lawrence Decamora guides you throughout the whole course. Learn the basics of Java and start writing your own Java program in no time.

4.9/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 168 lectures & 20 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the essentials of Java
  • Understand the difference between a Class & an Object
  • Know the use of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Explore the fundamental concepts of Java
  • Build a GUI-based desktop application
  • Start working with Java™ database connectivity (JDBC)

“I started this course with no prior knowledge of Java and even coding. It’s really amazing what 20 hours of immersing yourself in the Java world can get you. The instructor was very engaging and his demonstrations were very detailed. The pacing of the lessons was on point and each video makes sure you understand each concept before moving on to the next one. I totally recommend this course to anyone that’s interested in coding!” – Lian Manongsong

Java is the most in-demand and widely used programming language. That’s why we designed this absolute beginner’s course on only everything you must know about Java. Get up and running with your first object-oriented programming projects. You’ll learn all the core fundamentals you need to become a rockstar Java developer. Start here if you have no programming experience or are coming from another programming language to learn transferable actionable skills.

  • Access 95 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Fundamentals of object-oriented programming
  • Variables & data types
  • Control flow
  • Exception handling
  • Classes & objects
  • Methods & constructors
  • Concatenation & more

Learn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Spotify for beginners. Preparing for the Java interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process as you plan and execute a solution. In this course, you’ll learn the best way to answer an interview question, look at the most commonly asked questions, and analyze the time complexity of various algorithms. You’ll learn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.

  • Access 58 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon, & Spotify
  • Articulate your thought process as you plan & execute a solution
  • Know the best way to answer an interview question
  • Analyze the time complexity of various algorithms
  • Learn to solve problems quickly through hands-on coding examples

If you’re looking to cash in on the Android app market, you’ll want to get up to speed with Java. Going from the absolute basics to creating real hands-on projects, this course is the perfect starting point. Dive right into this project-based course, and you’ll walk through building your own mobile apps for Android. You’ll explore setting up and starting new projects from scratch, creating professional UIs, and much more as you progress in your Java education.

  • Access 26 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Explore basic mobile app development
  • Learn about the Android Studio interface
  • Dive into setting up & starting new projects with a simple user interface
  • Familiarize yourself with the Java programming fundamentals

Bad code practices can make development very slow on your medium and big projects. This means a lot of money is wasted on development time. These types of projects are also remarkably unpleasant to work on. This course is about useful clean code principles. It will teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code. The course has Java examples and sometimes mentions things like Spring and Lombok. The same clean code principles also apply to PHP, C#, and Python.

4.6/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 26 lectures & 2 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to write clean code
  • Keep your functions small
  • Name your variables, functions, & classes
  • Know how many parameters a function should have
  • Know what to do about boolean, nullable, & return parameters
  • Understand how clean code affects MVC
  • Learn the difference between an OOP object & a Data Structure Object

This Java Programming online course will teach you step by step how to follow the methodology by introducing concepts and demos that will show the fundamentals of Java needed for developer positions. This Java Programming course is project-based, and you will work on 7 awesome projects and 50 coding exercises as you progress.

4.6/5 rating from 856 students enrolled: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 85 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand how Java works & programming fundamentals
  • Differentiate JDK, JRE & JVM
  • Know what Object-Oriented programming is
  • Learn wrapper classes of primitive types when converting object

This course will help you to learn Java from the ground up, starting from the basic up to the advanced level, step-by-step. Not only video tutorials but the course contains lots of coding exercises that you will do to test your acquired knowledge practically side by side with watching video tutorials. This course will help you to prepare for Job Interviews in the Core Java language also you will gain confidence in doing programs using Java.

  • Access 130 lectures & 19 hours of content 24/7
  • Compile & execute Java programs
  • Clearly understand how independent Java is
  • Understand & find factors of a number using loops
  • Generate random numbers
  • Build a class to represent fraction & more

Java is an object-oriented, general-purpose language that is able to run independently of the platform and is designed to require as few dependencies as possible. As such, the language has found wide use in web development, software development, and more – making it an in-demand and stable language for the industry. In addition, Java is one of the top language choices for mobile development on Android, making it an essential skill set for mobile developers. This course will cover the fundamentals of the Java language and provide you with in-demand skills not only for Android development but for the development industry at large.

4.9/5 average rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Access 18 lectures & 1 hour of content 241/7
  • Set up & run Java code
  • Manipulate data with variables & operators
  • Manage datasets with arrays, array lists, & hashmaps
  • Use conditionals & loops for control flow
  • Add program logic with functions
  • Implement classes & objects for OOP
The post The Premium Java Programming Certification Bundle (98% discount) first appeared on SharewareOnSale.

via Ashraf

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