Keep your real phone number hidden while making calls and sending texts for work, dating, Craigslist sales, and more thanks to Hushed. You’ll use their simple and secure app to easily make calls on your alternate numbers (you’ll even choose the area codes) without committing to another long, expensive phone contract. Customize your voicemail and use Wi-Fi or data to talk without expensive service charges. It’s true communication anonymity delivered. With this special deal, you’ll get five phone numbers, and more SMS and phone minutes than ever before.
“A viable, more lightweight alternative to something like Google Voice.” TechCrunch
- Use included plan towards a combination of 9,000 SMS or 1,500 phone minutes per year per line
- Make calls & send texts from private phone numbers without monthly fees (in the US & Canada)
- Choose from 100’s of area codes across the US and Canada
- Manage your communication from a single app
- Access five lifetime numbers per account
- Customize your voicemail
- Set up call forwarding settings
- Utilize Wi-Fi or data while you chat so you don’t incur service charges
via Ashraf
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