Monday, April 27, 2020

Unplug Alarm: Theft Detection & Alert App (50% discount)


In a world where freelancing and remote work is emerging, working from cafes, libraries, co-working spaces, and other public places became the trend. With this trend, it is a major worry that your MacBook would be stolen if you leave it even for a few minutes to maybe take a small walk or grab a coffee. That’s where “Unplug Alarm” comes in, It’s a small app for MacBook that detects a theft attempt and alerts you. Whenever you leave, simply activate the app and you’ll get notified directly on your phone with push notifications and captured photos. It will also fire an alarm siren sound if someone unplugs it or closes the screen. Now, get that coffee without any worries!

  • Enable or disable siren soundn- Load alarm siren sound
  • Receive notifications on your iPhone/iPad
  • Receive photos on your iPhone/iPad
  • Enable or disable alarm on power unplugged
  • Enable or disable alarm on screen closed
  • Overlay warning screen
  • Sits in the menubar

To setup notifications:

  1. Install the app on MacBook
  2. Install the client app on your iPhone
  3. Open the app from the menu bar
  4. Go to Notifications > Set up new device
  5. Open the client app on iPhone
  6. Scan the QR code

How It Works

  • When you want to leave, click activate.
  • When you’re back, click deactivate and authenticate with Touch ID or password

via Ashraf


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