Monday, April 27, 2020

Wise Folder Hider Pro 4.3.4

NB: On the program start-up you need to set a password to protect your hidden folder/file. Please, save the password you set, in case you forget it, the giveaway version doesn't have the function of getting it back automatically and for free! Wise Folder Hider Pro can hide files and folders on local partitions or removable devices. The files will be hidden safely due to advanced encryption algorithm. You can set a password for it so that the hidden data can be displayed and unhidden only by entering the valid password. The data is completely invisible to other programs or on other operating system, so it is much more reliable. Compaired to other folder hiders, Wise Folder Hider Pro is more secure and convenient for users to modify protected files. Moreover, the interface of Wise Folder Hider Pro is very intuitive. Even a first timer can get the hang of it in a minute. NB:6-month license, supports upgrading.

via GOTD_Editor

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