To be successful in No Limit Hold’em online poker, it’s essential to conquer the micro stakes, the lowest rung of the ladder. In this course, you’ll learn the intermediate and advanced strategies you need to pull yourself out of the micro stakes and up to higher stakes. You have to spend money to make money, especially in poker, and this is the course that’ll teach you to spend less to make more.
- Access 57 lectures & 5.5 hours of content
- Master range-based thinking & Combinatorics to become an effective hand reader
- Learn to steal & defend more
- Understand the squeeze play, isolation raising & floating
- Discover the art & science of the polarized 3-betting ranges
- Bluff w/ purpose & capitalize on dead money
- Utilize hand history reviews to improve your game
Mastering the No Limit Hold’em online poker micro stakes requires a bit of luck, and an ironclad strategy to win. This course will teach you the fundamentals of poker strategy and tactics, while endowing you with the tools needed to turn small change into hundreds of dollars. From complete beginners to experts trying to iron out their game, you’ll be tearing up the micro stakes in no time after this course.
- Access 113 lectures & 13.5 hours of content
- Understand essential poker HUD stats & player types so you can attack opponents’ weaknesses
- Master pre-flop strategies to learn what cards you should & can play profitably
- Learn essential poker math
- Navigate turns & rivers more effectively
- Discover the secrets of bluffing & semi-bluffing
Based on Amazon’s #1 best-selling poker book, this course will let you take the guessing out of No Limit Hold’em and play with greater nuance and strategy. Learning these simple mathematical concepts will give you a big edge on your competition, and help you make the most profitable decisions in your game.
- Access 49 lectures & 6 hours of content
- Develop a keen understanding of probability & odds
- Learn to quickly calculate pot odds & implied odds at the poker table
- Use pot equity & the rule of 2 & 4 to determine the correct poker play
- Understand how to use expected value on & off the table to analyze your plays
- Discover the math behind bluffs & hero calls
- Learn card combinations to further enhance your card reading abilities
Understanding fundamental poker tactics and strategies will only take you so far. The most successful poker players in the world can read their opponents like an open book. To beat the best players, you’ll have to get in their heads. Over this course you’ll learn the tools and tricks necessary to do exactly that.
- Access 55 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
- Understand poker tracking software & how to use it to improve your game
- Discover essential HUD stats that are key to developing rock-solid reads on your opponents
- Learn how to identify good & bad player types right when you sit down at the table
- Develop effective specific strategies for playing against different types of players
- Master the strategy of table & seat selection
The difference between a bad poker player and a good poker player is a whole bunch of money. Over this course you’ll learn many of the traps bad players fall in to, while developing a strategic framework to improve your game and win money. From training to deal with your emotions and ego, to understanding how to minimize mistakes, this is the A to Z guide to make you a great poker player.
- Access 51 lectures & 3.5 hours of instruction 24/7
- Understand overarching poker concepts & theories essential to thinking like a poker player
- Learn how to make fewer mistakes than your opponents
- Discover ineffective strategies & tactics & learn how to avoid them
- Manage your expectations & patience better to play more in control
- Differentiate between a good bluff & a bad bluff
via Ashraf
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