Tuesday, April 14, 2020

TwistedBrush Blob Studio (100% discount)

Blob Studio is a product born from TwistedBrush Pro Studio but with a focus on creation of individual objects that you might use in other Pro Studio or other art software and with a simpler, streamlined interface. The Blob brushes allow you to model and shape your objects and then paint them with the included brushes with the results being crisp lines you might see in illustration software but without the need to mask anything. You can even continue to shape your objects after they are painted.

Blob Art Creation

Using the specialized brushes in Blob Studio paint on your canvas automatically shaded objects. The each paint stroke on a layer will build up more material resulting in highlights and shaded areas.

Once a basic shape is on your layer use the collection of shaping brushes to pull and push your shape simpler to working with clay. Adjusting the opacity of the brush impacts the strength of the shaping.

Further refinements to your shape are achieved with smoothing brushes that can impact the basic shape as well as surface brushes that change the shades and texture without changing the core shape. Also notice the punched out areas, with was handled with the subtracting brush to remove material from your shape.

Once the shape of your object is complete use the fine collection of painting brushes to color your object. Notice the shape and shading of our object stays complete unchanged. There is also no limit on the type of painting brushes you can use to color your objects! Also if you decide to further refine your object shape after painting, you can do that too.

As a final step, style your object with a selection of different material effects. Shown here, a metallic look is applied. Different layers can have different styles! These styles are non-destructive and can be changed at any time!

Specialized ArtSets

Blob Studio includes ArtSets with a wide range of brushes for working with all aspects of blobs.

Clean User Interface

Blob Studio, as all of Pixarra’s focused Studio products, has a clean interface, designed for an easy, quick work flow. Dark and lighter color themes are available.

Quick Access Panels

The Color Management panel and the Brush Shortcut Panel are two panels you will use a lot. All the panels in Blob Studio will automatically hide if they get in your way while painting. Manually hiding all panels is also possible with the F3 hotkey.

Quick Command Panel

The Quick Command panel gives you a configurable array of buttons you can keep close at hand while working. Resize and reshape the panel to your needs. Add, remove and move buttons to create the layout that works best for you. Quickly show or hide the panel with the [F4] hotkey. Right click to edit a button or add one to an empty slot. [Ctrl] + click to drag a button to a new location. As an added bonus there is some functionality exposed in the Quick Command panel that isn’t available anywhere else in Blob Studio.


Easy access support for layers are in Blob Studio. The idea is to keep your workflow simple and fast. A simple single click to create a layer with no scrolling. Right click a layer for additional options. Drag layers to rearrange them.

Other features

Above are just some of the features in Blob Studio, there is much, much more.

  • 64 bit color painting system for the smoothest blends available anywhere.
  • World’s most powerful and flexible brush engine with the Pixarra brush effects system
  • Automatic saving multiple copies of your work in progress.
  • Brush compatibility with other Pixarra Studio products.
  • Tracing paper to use as a guide.
  • Up to 9 floating reference Image panels to hold reference photos when working on your art.
  • Sketchbook system that automatically saves your work to your sketchbook.
  • Switching pages in your book with a single key press (Page Up or Page Down)
  • Saving your work to a range of standard image formats.
  • Work with symmetry with all the standard Blob Studio brushes.
  • And many more features!

via Ashraf

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